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What is Ferdinand Porsche?

Ferdinand Porsche Porsche – the famous car designer, he founded the design and style to this day people still follow, he It has been a masterpiece of design and sacred objects like religion, like, forever glorious.
Ferdinand Porsche was a prestigious car designers, presided over a number of outstanding design in his forty years of design career, the most representative are: Henry Daimler Motor Company car Duke, 38/250 Mercedes-Benz sedans, V16 auto Union cars, World war II German tiger tank in World war II and are successfully used in aviation engines. Porsche was also a very good rider who won the torsion bar suspension of the patent, but also electronically controlled fuel supply pioneers, before that was an electronic engineer.

1, characters introduced

Porsche December 3, 1875 was born in the Czech Republic is now a bohemian, he was a blacksmith home third child, 15 years old to enter the University of nights later, while being at the Vienna Institute of Technology to study and work at the thermal power plant, when he excelled in work and study.

2, through

he was 22 years old received the first patent – hybrid drive system patents. In 1990 the Porsche’s first electric car appeared at the Paris World Exhibition of products from some of Porsche’s name gradually known by people around the world. His mixture transmission system was developed and used to train the military in World War I, World War II he called the system for the Tiger tanks. In 1905, the young general manager of Porsche into the Daimler Motor Company, due to the successful design of the “Maha” brand cars and won his first gold medal, in 1910, on the basis of “Maha” on , he designedMore perfect “Prince Henry” brand cars. Due to the exclusion of a person, he can only withdraw during this period from Daimler, into its branches – Mercedes as manager, which developed the Mercedes brand cars, he designed the engine for the Mercedes-Benz 600, the famous BMW engine for BMW sedans. Although his designs fruitful, still can not help marginalized, therefore, he resigned in 1929, Porsche set up his own company. Then government asked the automobile industry to develop a national car, the government can in order to attract public consumption, contribute to economic recovery in Germany at that time, although the company has just initiated by Porsche difficult, but after four years of in-depth research, their products enhance productivity, reduce costs and put into mass production, has finally been accepted by the public, which would later be called by fans of the Beatles “popular” brand cars, the car manufacturing industry after the government in charge of Volkswagen AG control of the company, Volkswagen during World War II produced many military vehicles.

1932 Porsche start designing trucks and high gear transmission design, and later fully engaged and damping device designed leaf spring, the leaf springs in torsion hinge bar and the driven he is employed after the industry known as the “Porsche ifs” of well-known devices.

In the five years before World War II, 波尔舍博士 were utility vehicle development work and do some work on the development of wind power auger to ease the energy shortage. He is also committed to the tractor designed to improve the agricultural economy behind Germany.

Hitler was well aware of the political potential in the car, if the publicity with the well, will have a strong centripetal force. After the First World War, Hitler’s soldiers to experience a war, and understand the reason why dual alliance to defeat because of the absolute superiority of US weaponry to help defeat the British and French dual alliance, so he came to power, immediately managed to restore Germany armed, after a failed war, although the Treaty of Versailles limited the arms of Germany, but Hitler was walking a tightrope with a high ability, Germany is actually a step by step quilt he armed. It was his blatant automotive industry, to develop key industries. Hitler indication of the automotive world: must glory for the country in international competition, was responsible for the important task of Mercedes-Benz can get one million marks Nazi government subsidies each year. In addition to design cars than 波尔舍博士 life, it is the second-largest interest in racing. So in 1933, he Bong HitlerThe life composition Auto Union racing team, the team is the team by the league Rover, Audi, DKW and Hawke jointly composed of four depots, in Hitler’s eyes, Mercedes-Benz is the trump card, Auto Union team is his deputy, the latter could not be to government subsidies.

November 1932, from Porsche to design a new angle distinctive car, Hitler’s efforts to participate in international racing indication, the Union fleet to find the master, asked him to help design the car, so the wave Seoul Scotia did not hesitate to put the new car design to 75,000 marks to sell automobile Federation. In the absence of subsidies, manufacturing work hard to carry out, so the master went to see Hitler asked for the same subsidy Benz, Hitler insisted his security concept master trump reason for the Masters, in key areas, he is more than others understand a little bit, because this happens to be nothing of the poor, survival of the fittest, could not be clearer.

while racing, front engine, rear mounted a large fuel tank, the mass distribution are very different Nie at full and empty oil tank, the whole car acceleration, steering, paste, braking properties from start to finish it has been changed, even completely opposite. Whether track race or road race, the drivers can not gain experience, to be in a highly stressful situation, constantly trying to amend and adapt to changes in their own performance vehicle, oversteer when start, but understeer near the end, the performance of joint also followed change. At that time, only Porsche recognize this, “Long Arrow” before and after the disproportionate length, accounting for about one third of the front, rear 2/3, was in violation of traditional values, the reason for this is because Porsche decided v16 arranged in the vehicle engine to the rear end, but still before the rear axle, it is still in the mounted, a rider ride, just before and after the weight of the car 1: 1, i.e., the center of gravity is located in the vehicle center in the vehicle, Porsche the car must have king-size fuel tank installed in the center of the car, the car at full oil and empty oil center of gravity without any change, this is the key to victory.

The car can only be driven by the highest levels of riders from Schumacher Ross Mel and Hans Stark with two, and I am afraid that today’s level of Senna and Prost also hard to high and low.

The car destroyed in World War II had war work. In 1982, with the full support of the sole heir Auto Union Audi, the car refurbished, appeared in the game, but no driver willing to be compared with him, because no one dare risk in case of collisionInjury “Silver Arrow” and lead the world reviled fans of the risk. It has been seen as sacred as religion, respect for all, not the slightest blasphemy.波尔舍博士 lifetime contribution to the car are many, but we accepted, “Silver Arrow” is the pinnacle of his technical achievements, it won the honor again and again to Germany. Such as Porsche engineers, technicians immediately turned to the development of aircraft, tanks in World War II, Hitler’s vision can be seen from this point to determine the superior, in this crevice to find a way out for Germany. Porsche likes to work in design studios, workshops go for a walk, and aides discussed there, and to find solutions to problems, his language is so appropriate and proper way, have admirable.

In addition to the work of masters work is also very interesting. His family sometimes go to the lake or the mountains for the weekend, where the master has his own hunting lodge, as well as for a hunting party of the car. He also enjoys sailing, sometimes after work, he likes to drink alcohol with friends, talk about the day, occasionally going to the movies or listening to music. But he never see the opera, never read the book “seriousness”, but he tired of controversial things other than mechanical. So, as a man, the master of life is complete and fulfilling.

Since a part of 波尔舍博士 research results are used for Nazi war, so at the end of World War II, the Allies arrested Porsche. He was first taken to the United States, after being transferred to Paris and other places. After about two years in prison, the United States has finally admitted that he was a mechanical engineer, not a Nazi, was finally released to return home. Four years later, in January 1952 30 波尔舍博士 died. His masterpiece, especially the immortal “Beetle”, will always remain in the hearts of fans. In people’s hearts, he will always be the masters, was a genius.

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