EcoFuel is one of Volkswagen’s new energy strategy (as well as other BlueMotion BlueMotion, sunny fuel SunFuel, hybrid Hybrid, etc.), EcoFuel with CNG compressed natural gas as the primary fuel. Natural gas and conventional gasoline, diesel fuel compared to exactly what the advantages and disadvantages, then we tell you one.
Natural gas is composed of a multi-component gas mixture, mainly methane, free of carbon monoxide, almost no sulfur and dust and other harmful substances. Therefore, the natural gas combustion, emissions sulfide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, dust and other harmful substances significantly lower than the conventional fuel, carbon dioxide emissions have also been reduced. Also compared to oil and natural gas generation cycle is short, loose formation conditions, and therefore relatively large proven reserves, is currently one of the three energy sources to natural gas as a fuel, can greatly ease the dependence on oil.