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What is Karl Benz?

1, the name of the person

Karl Benz

2, characters introduced

Carl Benz in 1884, Karl Benz (Carl Benz), was born in Germany, he had never seen his father since he was one year old when his father’s tragic death train driver in an accident. The Mercedes-Benz in 1860 after graduating from high school up a local technical school, he was particularly interested in the mechanical principles in schools, especially the preference study heat engine and the steam engine.

from a technical school after graduation, Mercedes-Benz, first as an apprentice to a machinery factory, then to Mannheim construction company as director, and soon went to the military service. In early 1871 Mercedes-Benz retired around to look for work but no landing, until the second year to find a friend to borrow money to set up a “Karl Benz iron foundry and machine factory.”

due to the long economic downturn, in 1877, the Mercedes-Benz plant the verge of bankruptcy, unable to pay owed 2000 marks, noisy people frequently door.

Mercedes-Benz did not ever give up (otherwise would not have today’s Mercedes-Benz), he decided to go to the great potential for engine manufacturing industry, and the successful development of a single cylinder on the evening of December 31, 1879 two-stroke engine.

At the time the engine is not much use, so his factory and sluggish. In 1882, Mercedes-Benz finally obtain the support of a businessman and a bank, set up jointly by the Mannheim Gas Engine Co., Ltd. A month later, due to the conflict with merchant banks occur, Mercedes-Benz can not let go, angrily launched the company. Since the early launch of the Mercedes-Benz to catch all the machinery and equipment as compensation.

1885 Mercedes-Benz has finally made the world’s first car (a vertical water-cooled single-cylinder engine, the displacement 985CC, power 0.75 hp and a top speed of 12 miles/ H), and on January 29, 1886 to obtain automobile manufacturing patent (registration number: 37435, patent man-made Mercedes-Benz), this day is recognized as the world’s first car birthday.

in September 1888, Mercedes-Benz car shocked the world on the Machinery Exhibition in Munich.

In 1893, Karl Benz, after several years of efforts, the Victoria brand began producing four-wheeled vehicles (the price of 4000 marks), resulting in product backlog, after listening to the views of businessmen only 2000 marks the launch of the car, the result of selling a year out of 125.

Mercedes-Benz has been successful, growing and has huge wealth. Every year on December 31, his wife should be required to launch a first stage engine, recalled the difficult history of that era.

In 1929, Karl Benz died.

January 29, 1886, Karl Benz invented the first horseless tricycle, now preserved in Munich automobile museum. Mercedes-Benz was ‘automobile manufacturing patents’, it is this day, was identified as the car’s birthday.

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