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What is Kiichiro Toyoda?

1. Introduction

Kiichiro Toyoda Toyota (TOYOTA), the world-famous brands in the world has been a household name. Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan, this remote town in the rise of the automobile giant in the world automotive Armageddon stage can be described as a leader. And all this, all originated in a Japanese youth ordinary and extraordinary – Kiichiro Toyoda. When

50 years ago, the Toyota family car began serious study in the United States every four people already have a car. Eiji Toyoda, founder of Toyota Motor cousin of Kiichiro Toyoda was conceived, will spread to every car 10 a person, then there are 100 million people in Japan, 10 million cars. If the elimination of one percent per year, then it needs 1 million new vehicles. Kiichiro Toyoda convinced that this era will come, hold this belief, he started into the automotive industry. I did not expect 50 years later, the popularity of Japanese cars was more than the United States that year, reaching a three. Since 1980, Japan produced more than 10 million cars per year, the world’s largest car producer, above the United States. And in Japan, Toyota is the automotive industry come out on top, the cumulative production of nearly 50 million cars.

more or less “current events hero” of meaning in the history of Toyota, in fact, this is not important, it is important that the birth of the extraordinary in the ordinary.

2, mainly through

Kiichiro Toyoda, November 6, 1894 Born in Shizuoka apply know-gun guitar Tsumura.
In 1917 entered Tokyo Imperial University Faculty of Engineering.
1920 graduation, immediately into the Toyota Boshoku company engaged in the research and development of the textile machine.
In 1921 went to study in Europe and America July to May 1922.
In 1922 married lady twenty sub-fields.
In 1926 the establishment of the Toyota Automatic Loom Works, became managing director.
In 1929 went to Europe on a business trip from September to March 1930.
In 1931 a successful trial 4 horsepower engine small car.
in September 1933 set up within the Department of Motor Vehicles Toyota Automatic Loom Works.
In 1934 the decision to purchase Koromo factory sites, create the same year, the first A-type engine.
In 1935 A1 create cars like cars, trucks also create G1.
In 1936 the establishment of Automobile Research Institute in Tokyo Shibaura.
Toyota Motor Company was founded in 1937, became deputy general manager.
In 1938 Koromo plant completed.
In 1940 developed into AE sedan, the same year Toyota steel company, became deputy general manager.
1947 SA production car, the car through an open call for car names, named “TOYOPET” which means Toyota’s pet).
1950 Toyota Motor Sales was established, became president of the Society of Automotive Engineers, resigned from Toyota’s general manager.
in March 1952 due to cerebral hemorrhage died at the age of 57 years; the decision at the shareholders meeting held in July on the back, then general manager of the company in the previous company.

3 career

Toyota logo Kiichiro Toyoda was born in 1895, his father Sakichi Toyoda both Japan famous textile magnate, is Japan famous “invention mad”. Sakichi Toyoda in order to develop their own factories, the eldest son Kiichiro Toyoda to Tokyo Imperial University Faculty of Engineering to study mechanical engineering. After graduating from college, Kiichiro Toyoda came to his father’s “Toyota Boshoku” became a pilot. After 10 years of temper, Kiichiro Toyoda as managing director tube technology. However, far-sighted he was not satisfied with immediate success. When he found the car can give people a great convenience, a premonition that this emerging industry has a bright future, decided to person as a proportion of their career, his idea was his father’s support. By the end of 1929, to the textile machine patent was sold to the powerful Pratt company, Kiichiro Toyoda sent to Britain plenipotentiary himself signing a contract. In other countries, in addition to his father entrusted the task to complete, also spent four months experience of the British automobile traffic, visited Britain, the United States, especiallyIt is an American automobile manufacturers, a thorough understanding of the status of automobile production in Europe and America countries. The foreign trip left a very deep impression, strengthened his determination to develop its own automobile industry.

Soon, Sakichi Toyoda died, before his death, he called his son in front, left him as his father’s last words: “I do loom, you get the car, you have to like me, by inventing create to serve their country. “he also personally to one million yen transfer of patent royalties obtained over to his son, as the automotive research start-up funds. At that time, the United States has an average of four people per car. Kiichiro Toyoda made the following idea: if every 10 people in China owns a car, it needs 10 million Japanese 100 million; calculated as the average 10-year life of the car, a new 1 million per year; this is a very make who charmed a huge market.

After the death of Sakichi Toyoda, president of posts held by Kiichiro Toyoda’s brother (Sakichi Toyoda’s door-law) Toyota Risaburo. Although Lee Saburo who is a knowledgeable entrepreneur, but aloof, grumpy, and Kiichiro Toyoda on many issues “dissidents.” In 1933, under Kiichiro Toyoda repeated requests, he agreed to free companies to set up the Automotive Division and the corner of a warehouse designated for automotive research sites. Kiichiro Toyoda as a base, in April of that year to buy back a United States, “Chevrolet” car engine repeated disassembly, research, analysis, mapping. In the study of this engine in the process, he had a knowledge point of view to guide the future development of the company’s strategy: “Japan needs more poor family’s automobile production cheap car is my responsibility.”

1933 9 month, he started trial production car engine, opened the prelude of automobile production. In 1934, he was sent out from abroad repurchase of a German DKW front-wheel drive car, after two consecutive years of study, in August 1935 made the first one, “Toyota GI” brand cars. Prior to 1934, he Shanzizuozhu bought about 180 hectares of land, preparing to create a car factory. Kiichiro Toyoda in this series of moves to make Risaburo very unhappy, as a door-law, he thought to hold the father left the family business is their greatest achievement, coupled with the time when many people believe in automobile production has great risk, so he does not support brother-brother to engage in a car. The Kiichiro Toyoda is different, he believes is their own factory, they want toWhat do you do nothing, together with his father to get the car last words from time to time in the ears, so he have to engage in large-scale car production is not. In the case of two such opposing views, but to break it alone.

Thus, Lee Saburo Toyoda agreed on August 27, 1937 set up a separate portal, “Toyota Motor Corporation”, the address held in Aichi Tamachi, venture capital is 12 million yen, has a staff of more than 300 people. Toyota Motor Corporation has just set up soon caught in a crisis almost make it a failure. At that time, swept the capitalist world economic crisis a strong impact on the Japanese economy, despite the introduction of plant construction, equipment, raw materials procurement need a lot of money, but money market scarcity, obtain loans, while the initial investment at this time it has been exhausted, the company has come to the end of its tether. At this point the outbreak of the war of aggression against China, Toyota and many other manufacturers were included in a wartime munitions industrial production track, the Army will be one-stop shopping for all of its light truck inventory, so out of this crisis.

March 27, 1952, Kiichiro Toyoda suffering from cerebral hemorrhage, died 57 years old.

4, business ideas

Kiichiro Toyoda bronze statue “resolute one thousand forged then the whole thing” – teenage dream, life-long pursuit of
in Toyota Kiichiro hall hung a banner in the home, never came off, the words “resolute one thousand forged then the whole thing” seven characters. Japanese Chinese phrase meaning: You gritty, tempered, we will certainly make a career. From the age of 24, Kiichiro dreamed “to produce thousands of vehicles, several million, several hundred thousand cars, the Japanese roads run on all Toyota cars.”

However, as Sakichi not understood then, like, Kiichiro creation, production car has also been opposed to the idea of ​​other Toyota family elders. Automobile manufacturing costly, even as Mitsui, Mitsubishi zaibatsu as also not dare to try. Compared with them just a little-known Toyota in Nagoya, small chaebol nothing. Automotive business as well. Just stick to their beliefs courage,You will be able to out a road to success. Be sure to set up their own automobile industry! “

persistent pursuit of the dream into reality
is the ideal aspirations, while the idealized reality, ambition for the outcome variable, non-step by step must be done. Kiichiro Toyoda’s goal is to “Ford” and “universal” car to catch up with your goal, create and have the same level of the two companies assembling cars cars in Japan. he focused on Toyota cars must comply with the specific situation in Japan from make plans to raise human resources, finance, purchase land and build factories, to design, manufacture, testing, sum up, improve, until assembled into the vehicle, he was personally involved in all, and designers, engineers, skilled workers desperately together.

1952 died so far, Kiichiro Toyoda led the “Toyota people” Walk to forge ahead on the road made in Japan-made cars, has developed a type a six-cylinder automobile engine, A1 sedan, AA sedan, AB type four convertible station wagon. Although production of cars was Kiichiro’s dream, but needed at that time era, Toyota also produces a lot of trucks, can be described as fruitful Automotive technology is a variety of mechanical, electrical, casting, rolling, power and other products in one of the complex, is in line with the steel, electronics, rubber, glass, plastics and other industries to complete the integrated product. It also has a close and aesthetics when the relationship between a car is a work of art. it can not rely on the power of one person alone is complete, but as a group command, the crystallization of collective labor.

in 1936 Toyota launched the first anniversary of the market, he published an article that organ in the company “Toyota News”: cars did such an extent, not a technician of personal interest can be made of many people it is painstaking research, focused on all aspects of knowledge and after years of efforts. and failed many times before the birth of 1937 that Toyota Motor Corporation when the construction of large factories in Koromo town, Kiichiro Toyoda wrote a pamphlet entitled “Toyota Motor Corporation’s founder and its organization”, described the to “a car to use thousands of parts, missing one of them, it made no complete car. Put it all together and further is not an easy thing. If you can not exercise complete control, so that even as high as the mountains of parts, also made no car coming. “He said in this passage in” complete control “is an important insideYung, is to design and manufacture a desired car experts, technicians as well as workers gather together for a common goal and work together to struggle.

In order to realize their ideas, Kiichiro Toyoda from very early to prepare. In addition to a special trip to the University of Tokyo to visit outside of the car relatively knowledgeable Okuma part a male assistant professor, Kiichiro also widely collect all sorts of information from other students, the study of the car to start. In addition, he focus on training and Jiro Rock Gang Ming Bai Jingwu be able to shoulder the future development of the automobile, manufacturing personnel work. Kiichiro while Weiyong new staff, the introduction of high-performance machinery and equipment, technical personnel to conduct on-site training also made a great effort.

In addition, Kiichiro Toyoda also hired has automotive manufacturing experience Kan Takatoshi, water roots, plus get the University of Tokyo Nukiyama Shiro, into a rinse Masao other scholars car Sendai university support, develop and create work vehicles gradually. In the early stages of beginning of automobile manufacturing business, Kiichiro will begin mass production of the factory building, and actively create their own independent sales network, but is also committed to training had not yet developed parts industry and related industries. In this way, Kiichiro to establish wide-ranging goals of the automotive industry and constantly moving.

5, production

Kiichiro Toyoda quite foresight of a strategist, he organized car production from the beginning noticed to start focusing on improving the overall quality of basic industries from the materials industry, machinery manufacturing, auto parts industry and the simultaneous development of the automotive industry, to create the necessary conditions for high-volume car, so he called Japan a “high-volume car production in Japan father.” He is very clear that many car manufacturers involved in related industries, and their level of development directly affects the quality of the car, which materials and machinery manufacturing industries two biggest impact. This engine early in the trial, he has experience: the use of US imports of steel production gear, can be relatively easily produce 30 per day; and with Japan’s own production of steel production gear, it can only produce 12 per day . If you want to increase production speed of the machine is increased, the clamp will damage the machine. To increase production, only TimPlus equipment, hire more staff, but this in turn increases the production cost of the car. To resolve this contradiction, he faces the Japanese government to make recommendations developments in materials and machinery manufacturing industry, two, one side in his company initiated the development of steel and machinery manufacturing.

6, contribution to society

Kiichiro Toyoda House Kiichiro Toyoda contribution to Toyota, not only that he fashioned Japanese-made cars, but also his Toyota future It laid the foundation for the development of all aspects. Toyota’s “rationalization proposals” system can be described as universally known, to improve the quality of Toyota cars, Toyota has been able to take the forefront of the world automotive industry plays a vital role. Kiichiro Toyoda in the scientific management of another major contribution to the automotive industry for the production reflects the production process. In order to ensure product quality, to achieve mass production, he conducted a series of pilot in their own businesses.

First of all, he will be company-wide factory structure has been adjusted: the New River facility was changed to Aichi Steel Corporation; the machine tool production department will be for the Toyota Machinery Company; the New River facility was changed to love the new Precision Machinery Company; the body portion of the vehicle body to Toyota company; the electrical component mounting portion to Nippon electric company. The company adjusted its structure to achieve a professional, and rationalization, scientific, thus changing the unified chaotic pattern of production, the company’s degree of specialization, management, technology, production capacity has been greatly improved. Second, he will be inside the plant structure has been adjusted to make it suitable for specialized production. The method

to his car assembly plant as the center, the community scattered parts plant organized, there are plans to put its own production need to be combined with their technology, the use of external orders, the implementation of parts production the diffusion. He will assemble the car used in the products and all the parts are divided into two major categories of products purchased, which, within the article of manufacture is divided into internal (technical difficulty, the higher purchase price) and quasi-house manufacturing parts, purchased products are divided into general external orders (general business can produce), special order (need to give technical guidance requires the use of special equipment or components), special orders (only using specialized equipment to process parts) three. Once again, he hitLater, out of rage, “Toyota Production System.”

in accordance with traditional practice, car manufacturers have to go to the storage of casting a semi-finished product, and then pick up when needed, processing, and processed according to plant parts also need to apply for a day storage, a library. According to this program, thereby increasing the invisible inventory. Kiichiro Toyoda’s innovation lies in the traditional whole batch mode to flexible production mode. According to his mode of production, and factory workers can benefit: workers “only necessary every day workload” can be, done by early morning commute, endless may work overtime; no need to set the factory warehouse inventory, without taking a lot of working capital, many purchased parts before loading the payment had been sold. He is the promotion of this mode of production and shouted “just to catch up” slogan, after Ohno was later vice president of the company a further development, a perfect “Toyota Production System.” “Toyota Production System” has surpassed the country, industry and become the advanced experience of many countries of the world keen to learn.

7, the scenes of life

Japan’s post-war economic depression, social chaos, people’s lives very difficult. In this context, Toyota’s management also encountered unprecedented difficulties. By the end of 1949, the company needed about 200 million yen in the New Year working capital, the degree of difficult business has reached “If bank financing will not fail” situation. Kiichiro personally negotiate with the bank, hoping to provide financing to meet their urgent needs. Although the banks agreed to help, but with conditions, that is to “rebuild Toyota fundamentally,” and proposed a “reconstruction bills” in the second year (1950) year. Which is directly related to the Toyota managers and all employees of the vital interests of the most important points are: “separate sales company” and “reduction of excess staff.”

Toyota faces a dilemma, do not want to give up the commitment to employees, the company did not want to give up the opportunity to rebuild. After repeated study, careful consideration, the company published the terms include “raising 1600 volunteer employees to resign,” the contents of the reconstruction bill. Kiichiro seek the cooperation of the unions, he said: “To ride out the storm, only two choices: either to dissolve the company, or ask some of the people at Toyota thisferry. I’m really sorry, things get to this point, it is the responsibility of our senior cadres. “

The union has the obligation to safeguard union members live and interests, in consultation with the company aspects still can not reach agreement, the two sides deadlocked. During this period, the output linear Toyota Motor fell, the company has accumulated a huge amount every day losses, the bank also asserted that the future will refuse to provide financing. in order to break the stalemate this dispute over, Kiichiro decided to resign, hoping to help Toyota back to life.

8, Toyota Motor Corporation

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Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation (abbreviation: Toyota) (TOYOTA) is one of the world’s top ten automotive Industry Corporation, Japan’s largest car company, founded in 1933 years.

in 1933, Toyota is only a division of Toyota automatic loom company, 1937 exciting Toyota Motor Corporation was formally established in 1947, its output of more than 100,000 vehicles, Toyota entered the United States in 1957, and now nearly half of Toyota sales and production in the United States, the production of the Corolla sedan Global reputation, creating the highest single-brand sales record.

According to Japan, “Asahi Shimbun” reported on December 25, 2008, Katsuaki Watanabe, president of Toyota Motor Corporation due to poor performance of the company may be leaving office in April next year , then by the Toyota founder Kiichiro Toyoda, grandson of Toyota’s Toyoda (AkioToyoda) as president at. by the global financial crisis, Toyota has announced will be recorded in the first operating loss in 71 years. According to sources, Katsuaki Watanabe departure may be recorded with Toyota in 2008, about 150 billion yen operating loss.

9, the Toyota family,

Toyoda family the first generation Toyota: Toyota Sakichi

entire Toyota Group of business people. After graduating from elementary school, he made a carpenter. Later, referring to foreign textile machine, he invented the “Toyota-style wooden loom.” In the manufacture of textile machines with as little metal, instead of wooden structures. Such wooden loom cost was much cheaper than pure metal loom, it was quickly seized the market. And this, also became the origin of the concept of the Toyota Group’s cost control.

The second generation Toyota: Toyota Risaburo, Kiichiro Toyoda, Toyota Eiji

Toyota Risaburo, son of Sakichi Toyoda, Toyota changed the surname. Toyota’s first automatic loom to make the president. In 1937, Toyota’s Automotive Division for independence, and later set up a Toyota. Li Ren Fengtian first president Saburo while car. However, when the actual president is Kiichiro Toyoda, the eldest son of Sakichi Toyoda, president of Toyota’s second later the car.

In 1950, because of business conditions, they retired together. Toyota Motor president post start play by different family names. Eiji Toyoda until 1967 served as the fifth president.

Eiji Toyoda nephew, cousin of Kiichiro Toyoda, who is in Japanese automobile industry Soichiro Honda and Honda’s par Chanticleer figure. In his time in charge of Toyota, Toyota has become a world-class automobile manufacturer. He himself had in 1999 was named one of Asia’s 20 most influential people of the 20th century Time magazine.

The third generation Toyota: Toyoda, Feng Tian Dalang

Kiichiro Toyoda, the eldest son of Shoichiro Toyoda, the Japanese auto industry can be considered a master of character. Nagoya University graduate, Northeastern University graduate, an engineer by training, known industrialist who added technology. So, his specialty is quality management. Brother Feng Tian Dalang is the compound talents, the specialty mechanical engineering, Tokyo University, the New York University MBA degree. He is the president Shoichiro successor. However, not much contribution.

Thereafter, Toyota family names are any three consecutive president.

fourth generation Toyota: Toyoda, Shoichiro Toyoda, the eldest son of

10, personal evaluation

Kiichiro Toyoda Familiar words, one soil to raise one person. Kiichiro Toyoda was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, precisely because of excellent location, climate and natural environment, rich cultural heritage, rich cultural characteristics of these outstanding areas, creating a generous heart of this countryman, far-sighted vision , with lofty ideals, create a kind of “fear of failure, the courage to challenge”, the “pioneers” of the spirit and a group of successful entrepreneurs have this spirit. Inherit the spirit of these entrepreneurs, Shizuoka we have set up the world’s top business giant Ha. “Pioneers” spirit, now in Shizuoka still going, and breeds a fast-growing enterprise.

a full of success stories, people born and raised in pride of regional environment, no doubt affected Kiichiro Toyoda business dreams: “We are not making cars that we have no destination is to use Japan. the human mind and craft revitalization of the auto industry. “that’s Kiichiro Toyoda founded ambition and vision when Toyota, continue to adhere to this vision and ambition, created the” Toyota production System “, and Toyota from a small company grow into the world class enterprise.

“like father, like son.” This sentence into Sakichi father and son who then appropriately enough. Although Toyota Iggy is a carpenter, without leaving rich material wealth to future generations, but to the family left behind to create great wealth of spiritual magic. Sakichi Toyoda With a strong, confident, and thanksgiving, to serve the country, innovative spirit of the Japanese textile industry created a brilliant achievement. Sakichi personally, words and deeds, make no doubt Kiichiro well above the family inherited the magic, continue to create greater achievements Toyota.

Successful people always have their successful family gene, and this gene family to rely on the words and deeds of the fathers to pass. Father’s behavior will be injected directly into the next generation of the human mind, we decided to constitute its successful gene index. Through the above analysis, starting with the Toyota Iggy, by Sakichi Toyoda, Kiichiro Toyoda to the success of the Toyota family genes from generation to generation, after planting, growing, harvesting, creating a successful Toyota roots.

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