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What is Louis Renault?

1, jurist Louis middot; Reynolds

Louis middot; Renault (French: Louis Renault, 1843 Nian 5 Yue 21 Ri Autun – 1918 February 8 Barbizon), French jurist and educator, one of the 1907 Nobel peace Prize winner (and Ernesto middot; Taiaoduoluo middot; Moneta share).
is the son of a bookseller, in my youth to exhibit superior talent, after the completion of preparatory studies at the University of Orton, went on to win three degrees. 1868–1873 Nian Roman law and commercial law professor at the University of Dijon, after 1873 until his death served as Professor of Law University of Paris in 1881 as a professor of the Institute of International Law, which works mostly feature articles and papers with international law. He and his colleague and friend Leon middot; Kane edited two volumes of “Introduction to Business Law”, and eight volumes on a detailed manual. 1879 published “Introduction to the Study of International Law”, his expertise was soon on the French government had a positive role as a professor, he was closely linked to international economic law, often it involves the issue of international currency exchange and intellectual property. In 1890 the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a judge, this is a special post created for him, so that he French foreign policy based on a review of international law. He has attended the job Diplomatic Conference, and on behalf on many international issues concerning the abolition of the White Slave restructuring and the International Red Cross in France.
In 1899, the Russian Empire, Tsar Nicholas II proposal to convene an international conference in The Hague, research disarmament and the peaceful settlement of international disputes, meeting from 18 May 1899 to the beginning of the end of July 29, although in under German opposition, to make real progress on disarmament it is impossible to get, but the session has successfully set up a special panel of judges as arbitrators when disputes arise between countries. Renault contribution to the 1899 Hague Conference is enormous, and is an important contributor to the final report, he was named one of 28 people punching, countries involved in international disputes arbitrator is always preferred him by his famous case of arbitration Japanese houses Beverages 1905, 190Casablanca case nine years, 1911 and 1913 Savory Karl Case and Case Carthage worship Mainu case. In 1907, he presided over and participated in the Second Hague Conference 1908 – London Naval Conference of 0909 years.
Renault contribution to international peace made so that he got very much honor. He was appointed to the French moral and political science members, many countries awarded him the Medal and an honorary doctorate, due to the excellent work he has made to the Hague Conference in 1907 and Italy Lombardy Peace Union, 席埃内斯托 middot; Taiaoduoluo middot; Moneta together to get the Nobel Peace Prize. 1914 Institute of International Law in The Hague after its inception, Reynolds was elected President of the Society. Published in 1917, “the German preliminary damage to international law,” and that Germany does not fulfill treaty obligations, aggression Belgium and Luxembourg. February 6, 1818, Renault finished after school at the University of Paris Babi Sang returned home to rest, died two days later, aged 74 years old, although he has an international reputation, but just want to be a “conscientious professor . “

2, entrepreneur Louis middot; Reynolds

Louis middot; Renault (French: Louis Renault, 1877 Nian 2 Yue 15 PARIS –1944 on October 24th), the French industrialist, one of the auto industry pioneer, Renault one of the founders car. 1898 advent of the “Renault” brand car. Renault because this car is known in Parisian society
In 1877, Louis middot; Reynolds was born into a wealthy family in Paris. Teenager Louis middot; Reynolds was hooked on boats, for which he designed a steam engine at home and apply for a patent. In 1898, 21-year-old Louis middot; Renault will own the German middot; Dionne Brand trailer motorcycle conversion became the very rare car, and drove it on Christmas Eve to go to Paris to attend a friend’s Elder Road party, from Renault as a car inventor renowned Parisian world. In the two brother’s help, in 1899, RenaultBrothers car factory was founded in Paris in effect outside. Louis middot; Reynolds hired six workers, the first production of A Renault cars.
1899 – 1903, on several occasions the rally in Paris, Louis middot; Reynolds and his brother swept the first, second, more than 60 vehicles A car was looted. From the beginning of 1900, Renault launched the technology more reliable quality B, C-type, as well as the Model L, also sought to military orders. 1903 nine models of more than 1,600 vehicles sold, more than the sum of previous production, Renault occupies the position of the first big French car company. In 1913 the company hired up to 5000, annual output of more than 10,000 cars. World War I, the French army to buy a large number of military vehicles of the Renault brand cars as the Renault company in all aspects of scale, capital, technology, and ranks first in both the French automobile industry.

June 4, 1919, Dutch arms dealer Andre middot; Citroen this cheap at half the price of similar products, the introduction of the Model A Citroen. Since then, Renault lost its dominance. Followed from the impact of imported cars, as well as the twenties and thirties worldwide economic turmoil, the Louis middot; Renault has been hit hard, suffering from aphasia, almost lost the ability to speak. During World War II German occupation of France, Renault to save his car company, on behalf of the German mass-produced aircraft, tanks and military vehicles, the Renault factory became the Allied bombing targets, most of the plant and equipment in the bombing of several years of in ashes. September 23, 1944, near the end of World War II, when Louis middot; Reynolds surrendered to the Court, October 24, Renault company was founded 45 anniversary of Louis awaiting trial middot; Reynolds died suddenly. November 6, 1945, Renault was nationalized and became the world’s largest a state-owned car company.

3, Renault late history

and under the direct control of state support, Renault’s car quickly to restore basic industries and development, and developed a number ofNew models of cars. In 1982, Renault became the first in Europe, the world’s sixth auto companies, either directly or indirectly employed labor force accounted for 30 percentage of the labor force in France. In its industrial products, mainly cars, vans, buses, trucks, special vehicles, machine tools, automation equipment, tractors and agricultural machinery, standard industrial products, industrial rubber, plastics, electronic products. Since 1983, Renault and even losses due to poor management, is more than “Mercedes Benz”, “Volkswagen”, “Fiat” and other auto companies. Renault to strengthen internal restructuring, changes in business strategy, to mid-1993 car production reached 1.7613 million, accounting for 3.7 percentage of the world market, sales of $ 30 billion, ranked 35 in the world of industrial enterprises.

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