1, the run
2. Body
before using the machine assembly, in order to make a measure to normal and stable operation of the fitting member, also called the running. Running a deliberate arrangement of the wear process. Mechanical parts wear process generally comprises running-in phase, stable wear stage and severe wear stage (see Figure). OA for the run-in phase. After starting the machine, the wear rate (i.e. the slope of the curve OA) gradually decreases from large. This is due to the friction surface micro-irregularities, the actual contact area is very small at the beginning, a large contact stress. In the running-in process, the softer parts of the surface material of the plastic flow occurs, so that the contact area enlargement and the work hardening layer appears. For harder materials, high asperity rubbed off, leaving a flat surface becomes gradually increase the contact area. These changes reduce the wear rate of the future to achieve the purpose of running. Should be running slow light to heavy loading, and clean lubricating oil into the friction surfaces to prevent wear debris caused severe wear and heat. In the running-in process should be close attention to the operation (listen to the sound, temperature, etc.). Should be cleaned and replaced with new lubricants carefully after the end of the run.

3, with FIG.