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What is Toyoda?

1. Introduction

Toyoda, honorary president of Toyota’s Toyoda (83 years old) eldest son, namely Toyota founder Kiichiro Toyoda (deceased) grandson. June 2005 began the post of vice president in charge of product planning and production financing, beginning in June 2008 as a successor to the president’s top candidate positions, certainly undertake Toyota’s domestic and overseas business to work.

Toyoda was born in Nagoya, graduated from Keio University, 1984. Toyota Motor Corporation, has served as a director since 2005 as deputy president in June.

2, through


Toyoda graduated from Keio University in 1984 into the work of Toyota Motor Corporation.

and Japan all college students, after college, almost every college students to participate in an amateur club. Toyoda participated in a hockey club, but hockey for Toyoda is already beyond the general interest, playing balls to reach the professional level. Keio University on the record of this hockey club, the prominent names printed participate in Olympic qualifying, Akio members of the club made one of them, and have special qualifications test of the ball.

Similarly, and descendant of the family business, like most Japanese, did not immediately enter their own home business after graduating from the University of Toyoda also, but in a few years out of Gone with the Wind. He returned to Toyota in 27 years ago, has been working at a US investment company, that period of work allowed him to US companies, the US capital mode of operation, with a lot of understanding.

from 1984. Toyota, the mission director since 2000, 16 years, Akio do learn from scratch, he has done production management, marketing over the car. Although people know that he is the son of Shoichiro Toyoda, President, but in terms of business and no special care, and more than 70,000 employees, like Toyota, how to dry on how dry is little by little in Japan Gunda, trained production organization, marketing and sales capabilities. After almost fully familiar with Toyota’s domestic business, Toyoda workers to the United StatesHe made a few years, but now is not the general staff, but as vice president of Toyota’s joint venture with GM spent there.

born wealthy, in 2000 when the director, was promoted to managing director in 2002, a year later was promoted to Senior Managing Director, 2005 under the age of 50 years old, has become vice president of Toyota, only half a step away from the president away, Akio leap, impressive. The reporter to interview more, and ultimately, their words and deeds are correspondent reported, but Akio is usually very low-key. Please correspondents dinner occasionally, over and over again is also some ordinary restaurants, a glass of beer, a few strings of Yakitori, “ordinary” white-collar life gusto, so that reporters feel good all around, “public school” Toyoda impression, it these reporters from his mouth, written gradually spread the word.

Japanese society on the family rely on the rapid rise in the power of the enterprise, President of the phenomenon is still criticism, internal staff are not necessarily convinced. Other manufacturers also have overwhelming, fame dominate Japan’s Matsushita Electric Company, Matsushita passed on to the second generation Masaharu Matsushita, Masaharu also like to pass on the third-generation Masayuki Matsushita, but the Vice President Masayuki Fu later, although the president has been away nearly in the right close, but it is an opposition within the company, Masayuki eventually failed every success in the president’s circle dream. Japan Minyan said “the rich, but three generations” (China is more talk about “the rich, but the Five”), although the Panasonic family assets maintained a posture of absolute increase, but the “property rights” and “right to operate” in the third generation, when Matsushita completely separated. To successfully promoted to president Akio, in addition to a comprehensive understanding of the business, media quite good image outside, internal Toyota naturally depend on its ability to operate.

3, international and domestic wrist

internationalization Toyota back in the 80s of the last century from the time to the United States to build assembly plant began. However, the internationalization of Japanese companies occurred in the late 1990s, great changes, automobile companies are no longer going to build assembly plants in developed countries in Europe and America, but to return to Asia, Central and South America to open up the market. Toyoda viability gradually been well received within the company, because he was in charge of developing the Asian and Latin American markets, Toyota production abroad 300 million, equivalent to the annual output of Honda. At the same time it is precisely becauseWith such a large production, only to Toyota surpass GM as possible at any time in the number.

In Europe, Toyota is divided into two parts came, in part, the production of energy-saving for the average consumer oily mass of cars, and then part of it another way, specializes in the production of Lexus luxury cars. However, success does not mean that Europe can be successful in other moderate development of the country. Akio Asia and Central and South America prepared a special low price “IMV” strategy, Toyota became quickly seize these years in Asia, Central and South America, the main reason for the success achieved.

After the Toyota production rose rapidly, the sudden recall the past two years, the Japanese media began to question the quality of Toyota, and is responsible for handling the recall question is what Toyoda. He needs to re-examine internal Toyota production management of the whole process, so that quality problems nipped in the production phase. Foreign Because Toyota does not manufacture all automotive components, the relationship between the quality of contract manufacturers from many parts, carding and parts manufacturers for Toyota equally important. “We have never seen Toyoda playing attitude toward contract manufacturers have a problem, but those around him is the Director, the Chief is very arrogant.” Toyota series parts manufacturers say. In dealing with issues, both inside and outside Toyota Akio have a crush on.

The current Toyota adviser Hiroshi Okuda, also spared no effort in cultivating Akio. Japan’s economic circles very powerful, told reporters that in the past a strong personal ability, but Akio and relationship is not very smooth middle-level cadres, Akio demoted him to go elsewhere. At that time Okuda also served as chairman of the board positions, he knew immediately reprimanded Akio. The ability to see without looking far and wide with their relationship, which is Toyota’s usual practice. Okuda, Fujio Cho, Watanabe et served, is acting as Toyota chairman, president, who, in this regard Akio very strict with these people and serve to maintain the Toyoda family, Toyota’s interests, image, chapter Male evaluated within the enterprise gradually established.

4, gorgeous family


Toyoda family with 2 percent of Toyota stock can control, with its gorgeous homeEthnic background are inextricably linked. Simply relying on the huge amount of business assets, good business strategy to operate is not enough, it needs to have a strong social background.

daughter Yuko Toyoda Mrs.

is Tabuchi, former vice president of Mitsui Bussan keep. Mitsui is Japan’s largest trading and investment companies, pre-war zaibatsu. When the number of their own business in Japan, always likes to “Mitsui Mitsubishi” talk about Mitsui is Japan’s most representative business. Akio Toyoda’s father, the mother is the former director of Mitsui Mitsui Banking daughter Hiroko long high, the second person to marry his son Mitsui family man to wife. Akio’s uncle is former Shizuoka Prefecture (equivalent to governor) Shigeru Saito and history, cousin Toyota Tatsuya (now working at Denso) married the former Sumitomo Bank Hori Grange truth three daughters. Political background is very strong financial sector. Beyond that number to Toyoda’s grandfather, magistrate generation, equally brilliant family influence. Toyoda’s grandmother is Japanese department store Takashimaya President rice twenty seven new sub-fields daughter. There are distantly Japanese paper, INAX, Nippon Steel, Japan Shimizu and other celebrity business owners. 70 years bred a gorgeous family background, non-ordinary families can be compared.

by the current senior adviser to Toyota, Hiroshi Okuda, chairman Fujio Cho, President Katsuaki Watanabe and Toyota composition does not have any family nepotism, but the Toyota family put all the power to them, employers no doubt, make these high-level kind of loyalty from the bottom of the heart of the Toyoda family, Toyota, in case the opportunity to mature, return power to the Toyota family, for them, the majority of Toyota employees, does not exist too many heart disorders.

Japan’s cultural heritage has absolute loyalty to some of the family. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso, inherited his grandfather Aso’s name, as Aso Cement president before his debut in politics, Aso Group is a well-known enterprise groups at the local level in the Japanese regarded, after succeed in politics, the group owned by his brother Aso Thai management. Estimated future successor will be hereditary, “Aso” Aso name of the group. Japanese bell and integrated logistics company, president of “Suzuki and leveling” has inherited the eighth generation, the same door first, attack name “Suzuki and leveling” took over as president. A similar phenomenon as well. Although Japanese society also appeared in Sanyo Electric, Fuji and other family businesses suffered due to hereditary and media criticism, but in general those enterprises in the business a big problem, usually for CEOs of public opinionHereditary, more moderate attitude.

now has 70 years of history, has assembly plants in more than 50 countries, only one car can do 20 trillion yen goods size Toyoda family, we have already begun to make the fourth generation Toyoda who served as president from the post. How to judge the family business, in addition to Toyota, “Toyota Production System” in the corporate heritage is also very impressive. When

5, the successor to the distress of the

“car to Piedmont Road, a road there Toyota.” Phrase slogan once Toyota’s image imprinted in everyone mind, also helped Toyota become the world’s largest auto maker.

However, the boss of the world may not be able to get rid of the financial turmoil. Last month, Toyota is expected to be the first time since 1938 the annual operating losses occur; operating loss after financial year consolidated financial statements as of March 31 of 150 billion yen will be (US $ 2.4 billion), because the United States, Europe, Japan and other major markets demand fell and the yen strengthened. Analysts said it expects the company’s outlook for 2009 is still very grim.

According to reports, although a formal decision could be made to wait until a few weeks later, Toyoda, 52, currently executive vice president of Toyota Motor has been told that he was chosen to succeed Mr. Watanabe’s position current president. Toyoda is the grandson of Kiichiro Toyoda, who founded Toyota in 1937. Toyoda is likely to officially take office after Toyota’s annual shareholders meeting in June.

because that decision has not yet been formally approved by the shareholders of the Company. Toyota spokesman said the company has not made any decisions about the management changes. Toyota Announces Management usually in early spring each year adjustments, and finalized after the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting in June.

It is understood that the company’s sources said Toyoda to revive Toyota faces enormous challenges, the first is a conservative corporate culture. Toyoda believes that prudent management strategy has long been known to Toyota in recent years become more conservative and bureaucratic, it is necessary to pass a new organizational structureSpeed ​​up the decision-making process, he thinks this is a prerequisite for Toyota reform.

Informed sources said that Toyoda may be considered to have been his efforts to streamline the bloated management. He also could reassemble the company’s current management team, it is likely to attract talent from outside the company, including former Toyota executives leave in recent years to manage subsidiaries.

According to informed sources, Toyota started veteran looking for a new term president in the past few weeks, due to health problems current chairman Fujio Cho to a large extent.

Since the 71-year-old Cho plagued by back problems, and now could not do the work, he has been planning to resign. However, informed sources said Toyota Board considers changes Cho Fuche bottom left Toyota to the company caused by too much, they asked Fujio Cho continue to serve as chairman. When

6, the way how to go


internationalization of Toyota’s early to the United States to build assembly plant in the 1980s began . However, the internationalization of Japanese companies occurred in the late 1990s, great changes, automobile companies are no longer going to build assembly plants in developed countries in Europe and America, but to return to Asia, Central and South America to open up the market. Toyoda viability gradually been well received within the company, because he was in charge of developing the Asian and Latin American markets, Toyota production abroad 300 million, equivalent to the annual output of Honda. At the same time, it is precisely because of such a large production, only to Toyota surpass GM as the number of possible at any time.

After the Toyota production increased rapidly in recent years frequently recall, the Japanese media began to question the quality of Toyota, and is responsible for handling the recall question is what Toyoda. He needs to re-examine internal Toyota production management of the whole process, so that quality problems nipped in the production phase. Foreign Because Toyota does not manufacture all automotive components, the relationship between the quality of contract manufacturers from many parts, carding and parts manufacturers for Toyota equally important. “We have never seen Toyoda playing attitude toward contract manufacturers have a problem, but those around him Director, Chief seemed very arrogant. “Toyota series of parts manufacturers, said in dealing with the problem, inside and outside Toyota’s Toyoda are quite good impression.

In fact, as early as 2000, Toyoda joined Toyota board of directors since that day, Toyota internal had already spread such rumors, “the Japanese carmakers are descendants of the founder of Toyota for the takeover to go all out.” Toyoda Japanese media for the possible return, and even spend a “major political money-back guarantee” this the words, and the history of Japan’s most famous “big government money-back guarantee” is the Emperor Meiji, who reverted to the power in their hands, with Japan embarked on the road to power. these four words used in the Toyoda body, determined to are inadvertently reflect Japan’s domestic support Toyoda took over Toyota’s expectations.

the industry believes that the Toyota family is a “flag Group” Toyota, whose members served as company president, did help to improve the overall Group confidence and ability to respond to crises. Toyoda served as Senior Managing Director North America and China affairs, Toyota had the largest market in the future and are the largest source of profit Their own insights, but also a lot of problems after he took office, the first problem is that in an environment of global economic recession, how to lead Toyota out of the loss quagmire.

7, passing the mantle

Toyota, began to thrive from a small weaving factory, after several generations of good governance, setting a legendary car company.

as a fourth-generation Toyota family Sun, Toyoda was not born to be selected . as heir to lay the core of Toyota’s global strategy had warned the family names president Hiroshi Okuda, Toyota posterity: and not because you are the Toyota family, who will give you the position of the president, so everything depends on your performance, and many more. Like descendant of the family business after graduating from Keio University, Toyoda did not immediately enter their own home businesses, but to “grassroots” exercise for a few years, or even 27-year-old back to the “nest” is still starting from scratch. [123 ]
with illustrious birth, impeccable work experience, low-key man, Toyoda quickly conquered the media and internal staff. In fact, as early as 2000, Toyoda joined Toyota board of directors since that day, almostAll people are convinced that Toyota, Akio will definitely stand out.

8, stepped in

became president, Toyoda does not mean peace of mind since then. In fact, Toyoda took office quite a bit “warrior gone” tragic.

are called “transitional CEO” Katsuaki Watanabe, Toyota has led step by step toward the cliff edge. The former president took office only four months, could not wait to start the tour Toyota’s global expansion. While accelerating expansion, believe in “wring the last drop of water on the towel,” Katsuaki Watanabe will not miss any opportunity to reduce costs. In 2008, Toyota’s first successful generic off the boss throne.

If there is no financial crisis, Toyota may have been “smooth sailing” to go on. In 2009, affected by the global economic downturn, Toyota “double disaster Blessings”; first loss in 59 years, “recall” or even become the norm. When Toyoda took over from his predecessor Katsuaki Watanabe, Toyota had no former glory.

9, how to end

on the “recall” regarding bow and apologize again Since the Toyota “recall” incident occurred January 21, 2010 Toyoda until February 5 before breaking the silence, first apologize to the public:. “we sincerely recognize that customer concerns about security issues, we have decided to recall, because we value most customers safe” Then, 53-year-old Toyoda stand up to the audience bowed low, and look a little haggard.

but the media did not let go Toyoda. They will put it front page news apology, accompanied by negative comments, and accused Toyota too slow to react.

when in charge of Toyota, Toyota’s reputation has already been watered down, Toyoda stepped in, everyone is against him led by Toyota and create brilliant high hopes. Today, the world’s largest car manufacturers face unprecedented credibility disaster, Toyoda can survive the sinking it?

10, written testimony


February 24, 2010, Toyota’s Akio Toyoda, president attended the US House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing to explain a series of recall since the end of 2009 occurred problems behind the events.

Toyoda written testimony points :

1, I hope the American people in the United States and other countries of the customer explained it: Toyota attaches great importance to the quality and safety of the vehicle.

2 to Toyota’s long-standing tradition and glory that we never evade the issue, and will not pretend that we did not find the problem. Through continuous improvement, our goal is to provide the community with better products.
3, several important principles of Toyota has followed: First, safety; second, quality; third, production.
4, no matter what the final Toyota will bear the consequences, I will strive to improve the quality of Toyota, practicing the principle of the consumer in the first place.
Testimony text

Toyota family tree Lord thanked the Committee Xiteensi.

I was Toyota Motor Corporation Akio Toyoda. I would like to make it clear that I and everyone else loves cars, and everyone else loved Toyota. Able to provide consumer-friendly car makes me feel very pleasant. I know that Toyota’s 200,000 team members across the United States, dealers and suppliers and I have the same feelings. However, in the past few months, our customers about the safety of Toyota to doubt, I have to take full responsibility for this purpose. Today, I want to tell the American people in the United States and other countries of the customer explained it: Toyota attaches great importance to the quality and safety of the vehicle. I hope to TNS chairman, Issa and the head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members expressed gratitude, because today you have given me the opportunity to expound their views.

I would like to focus on three themes: the basic concept of Toyota quality control, because we will recall the event and how to improve quality control.

First of all, I want to talk about Toyota’s quality control concept. IIt, and Toyota is not perfect. Sometimes, we will find defects. However, in such cases, we usually stop and try to figure out the crux, to make changes in order to further improve. To Toyota’s long tradition and glory that we never evade the issue, and I will not pretend that we did not find the problem. Through continuous improvement, our goal is to provide the community with better products. This is our core value of the company since its inception has always been the case.

At Toyota, we believe that in order to produce qualified products, there should be good people. Each employee will think what they are doing, continue to make improvements. As a result, Toyota can create more high-quality cars. We actively training employees, allowing them to share and practice this core value. Toyota in the United States has more than 50 years of sales history, 25 years ago it began producing cars in this great country. In the process, Toyota 200,000 operations staff, dealers and suppliers to share this core value. This is the point I am most proud of.

The second point I want to talk about is what causes Toyota to recall the face of today’s events. In the past few years, Toyota has been rapidly expanding its business. Frankly, I’m worried about this growth rate somewhat too fast. I wish to point out some important principles of Toyota has followed: First, safety; second, quality; third, production. These important principles appeared confused, thinking that we can not come to a stop before, to make improvements, we listened to customer feedback to create a basic stance with better cars, it is somewhat shaken. Our fast pace of development of so Toyota can not develop their own members and architecture, we should recognize this. This situation led to the recalls we face today, and I regret it. I apologize for the accident once Toyota owners.

Especially want to say is that I want to experience an accident in a San Diego Seiler extend my deepest condolences, I wish once again to pray for them, I will do everything possible to avoid such a tragedy from happening again.

since June last year in charge of Toyota, I will enhance the quality is better than quantity growth as the most important principle I adhere to common shareholders and Toyota in this direction. As you know, I am the grandson of Toyota’s founder, are printed with my name on all vehicles – Toyota. For me,Once the vehicle problems, I can not be complacent. I hope more people than any other Toyota cars are safe and reliable, consumers can feel at ease when driving Toyota. Under my leadership, I wish to reiterate that Toyota will give top priority to the safety and quality philosophy, since its inception, Toyota has been strictly follow this philosophy. I will also try to work out a system that will allow us to take this philosophy into practice.

Toyoda The third point I want to talk about the future will be how to manage the Toyota quality control work. So far, any recall decisions are made by the Toyota Motor Corporation Customer Quality Engineering Division. The automotive sector confirm whether there is a technical fault, the necessity of a recall decision. However, today’s problems reflect a little: we lack is the customer’s point of view. In order to make improvements in this area, we will make the following changes in part of the decision for the recall. Once the company decided to make the recall, the program will be added in the process to ensure that management can be based on the concept of “consumer safety first” to make responsible decisions. To do this, we will develop a system that allows management to understand the views of customers in a timely manner, in this system, each region can make the necessary decisions. In addition, Toyota will form a quality advisory group, composed of well-known experts in North America and other parts of the world make up, make sure that Toyota will not make the wrong decision. Finally, we will invest heavily to ensure reliable cars sold in the US quality, Toyota will establish a center of excellence for vehicle quality, the establishment of the post of director of product safety, the company will share more information about the decisions and responsibilities with automotive quality.

More importantly, I want to ensure that all members of the management team to personally drive the vehicle, they will find themselves and the severity of the problem. Personally, I am a trained test driver. As a professional, I was able to find fault in a car, understand the seriousness of the problem. I drove over faulty accelerator pedal of the vehicle and the Prius, comparing the vehicles before and after the repairs. I believe that only, we can make a decision from the consumer’s point of view by personal check for problems. Management can not rely on reports or data in a meeting room to solve the problem.


The above is I will take Toyota currently is working with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. No matter what the final Toyota will bear the consequences, I will strive to enhanceToyota quality, practice the principle of the consumer in the first place.

my name engraved on each unit of Toyota Motor, my personal commitment will provide consumers: Toyota will actively work to rebuild the trust of our customers.


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