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Ultra modern record with 778 km Nexo create hydrogen fuel cell with the most

a hot air balloon pilot, explorer, founder and chairman of Solar Impulse – Bertrand middot; Piccard (Bertrand Piccard) just broke the record for the longest mileage hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: 778 km.

Recently, Bertrand middot; Picard modern Nexo driving hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the fill a tank of hydrogen gas from eastern France Saar Pygmy Ne (Sarreguemines) departure, then went to Germany and Luxembourg direction, and then transferred to Brussels, Belgium, and finally into Paris. The entire distance traveled 778 kilometers at your destination, Nexo dashboard display, remaining range as well as 49 kilometers.

before the start of the trip, Bertrand middot; Picard is expected to travel about 700 kilometers, because the mileage is 2014 MariusBornstein and Arnt G.Hartvig using the same modern the ix35 FCV models record set. But the final test results unexpectedly, breaking the former record of achievement.

Modern Nexo is similar to a Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are currently being sold in France, quoted at 72,000 euros, its high price also shows that hydrogen fuel promote cell vehicles remains to be done.

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