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What is audio conversion?

1, audio conversion style

original horn due to cost reasons, generally less power, is facing a strong sound pressure, large dynamic music, often distorted, affecting music appreciation. The selection of a suitable personal music listening habits and tastes of high-quality speakers, is a key step audio conversion. There are different styles car horn

American sound are “force-type”, the intensity of strong, dynamic huge, free and easy bold, distinctive, bold, generous, especially for listening to rock, jazz and heavy metal percussion. American-style sound in the wide favored by the younger generation. On behalf of brands such as blessing ROCKFORD FOSGATE, K brand Kicker, MTX AUDIO and so on.

British sound with a typical European royal blood, a blend sounds sweet, handsome end Zhuang Suya, China not brilliant, the most suitable for the performance of classical strings and vocal reproduction. Unfortunately, the performance of low frequency and large dynamic scenes overflowing amount of flu effect slightly inferior. Even though the field of Hi-END British sound very high position in the home Hi-Fi, but in the field of car audio UK domestic brands rare, only Genesis GENSIS, KEF, Man MACROM piano and a few other brands.

German sound fully reflects the Germanic peoples meticulous, rigorous self-discipline professionalism. Sound natural, neutral, peaceful, clean and fresh. Especially exquisite workmanship and industry reputation, it is amazing. Very suitable for pop music, classical music, fever vocal reproduction. The representative of Germany have established sound of Man Bote MB Quart, Rainbow RAINBOW, etc., in recent years, the rapid rise of the new army BRAX, Helix fever in the car audio industry enjoyed a high reputation.

France, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Norway, the European voice is everywhere permeated with French wit romantic atmosphere of Italian Renaissance art, Nordic cheerful and extremely beautiful traditional arts and crafts : pure natural sound, high-frequency slightly exaggerated, but very musical taste. And there is a very good compatibility, on behalf of the French brand fresh wave FOCAL, Dan Maidan take, Italy Odie Robinson AUDISON, Sweden DLS, Israel Morel MOREL and so on.

As for the domestic car audio, due to the late start, mostly from home audio manufacturers in this century it was launched car audio project, currently widely accepted if No distinctive style, and therefore it is difficult to describe what “sound.” However, because the price is relatively low, very rapid development momentum, coupled with the recent two years, many experts and scholars also wrote speculation, domestic car audio market share is constantly expanding.

2, car speakers free

into car speakers: dividing unit (speaker package), coaxial unit (whole tone speaker) and a subwoofer. The characteristics of coaxial units are low cost, relatively easy to drive, whether it is sound positioning phase, or timbre are not very satisfactory, but the price is cheaper, acceptable to most people. And dividing each range sucked monomer unit designed and manufactured separately and then connected to the frequency divider to the monomers, so as to accomplish the entire range of low coloration and accurate reproduction. It is possible to get a better sound field and layering. Of course, in order to get better low-frequency, large-diameter unit is still the first choice, you can choose one pair of good subwoofer.

3, common car amplifier

power amplifier, power amplifier power amplifier that is, the type of car currently on the market a lot of the power amplifier, classification is also more complicated. The most common way is to follow the work is divided into: A type, B and AB. Class A amplifier means collected at regular intervals over the transmission of a master audio signal, amplified and transmitted to the speaker after it, but this process among the “cushion” to ensure that the system can output gentle, smooth sound signal, insufficient It is that the energy consumption is large. Class B power amplifier is canceled previously mentioned “cushioning effect”, the work of the amplifier has been in timely state, but poor sound quality than the former going some. Class AB amplifiers, in fact, a combination of Class A and Class B, each device on-time percentage is between 50 to 100 percent, which is currently regarded as an ideal power amplifier.

OptionalPower amplifier, the first thing to pay attention to some of its technical indicators: ① Input impedance: usually indicates the size of the anti-jamming capability of the power amplifier, usually in the 5000 ~ 15000Ω, the greater the value representative of the stronger anti-interference ability; ② distortion: refers to the output signal as compared with the input signal distortion degree, the smaller the value the better the quality, the percentage of generally 0.05 or less; ③ SNR: means the ratio between the output signal and the noise signal among the music signal, the greater the value representative of sound the more clean.

In addition, in the purchase of the power amplifier when even clear their willingness to buy, if you want to install a subwoofer, it is best to buy 5-channel amplifier, usually 2-channel and 4-channel speakers only you can push around the speaker, and subwoofer can only then reprovision amplifier, 5 channel amplifier can solve this problem. The output power of the power amplifier should try above the rated power of the speaker.

4, the sound installation and cabling

1, the acoustic line selection

The smaller the resistance wire car stereo, less power is consumed on the wire , the higher the efficiency of the system. Even if the wire is very thick, because of the horn itself will lose some power, without the efficiency of the entire system of up to 100 percentage.

The smaller the resistance of the wire, the greater the damping coefficient; the greater the damping coefficient larger than superfluous vibration horn. The larger cross-sectional area of ​​the wire (more coarse), the smaller the resistance, the greater the tolerance of the current line, the greater the allowable output power. Select the main power supply line of the power supply safety fuse box car battery, the better the closer the joint, the size of the insurance value can be determined by the following formula: Insurance value = (the total of each power amplifier system given the sum × 2) / average vehicle power voltage .

2, an audio signal wiring line

with insulating tape or heat shrink tubing at the audio signal contacts to ensure the insulation wrapped tight, and when the joint body is in contact, noise may be generated. Keep the audio signal lines as short as possible. The longer the audio signal line, the more susceptible to interference signals of different frequencies vehicle. Note: If you can not shorten the length of the audio signal line, a portion to be folded long, rather than rolled up.

line to leave the audio signal line driving circuit and a power amplifier module computer power supply line of at least 20cm. If the wiring is too close, the audio signal can be picked up noise frequency interference. Preferably the audio signal lines and power lines on both sides of the cloth seat and front passenger seat are separated. Note that, when close to power lines, the microcomputer wiring, an audio signal line must leave them more than 20cm, if the audio signal lines and power lines need to cross each other, we recommend preferably intersect at 90 °.

3, the wiring of the power line

the value of current capacity of the power source line selection should be equal to or greater than the value of the fuse and the contact of the power amplifier. If the wire is less than the standard for power line hum noise is generated and severe disruption of sound. Cord may be combustion heat. When administered separately feeding a plurality of power amplifier power supply line to the point separated from the wiring length of each amplifier should be the same. When the power cable bridge, there will be a potential difference between the respective power amplifier, the potential difference between the AC noise will lead to serious damage to quality.

When the host is powered directly from the power source, can reduce noise, to improve sound quality. The battery connector of dirt is cleared completely and tighten the fitting. If the power connector is dirty or not tightened, the joints will be bad. Generating resistor choke present, AC noise will lead to serious damage to quality. Removal of dirt and joints with a fine sandpaper fell while rubbing butter. When the wiring in an automobile power system, should be avoided in the vicinity of the alignment means and the ignition generator, the generator capable of radiating a noise and an ignition noise into the power supply line. When the spark plug and a spark plug factory installed into a high-performance type wire replacement, stronger ignition spark, the ignition time will be more susceptible to noise. In the same principle, and the vehicle body cloth fabric audio cable power line followed.

4, grounding method

of the vehicle body with fine sandpaper to paint cleanly removed at a grounding point, the ground wire secured tightly. If the residual paint between the vehicle body and the ground terminal will make contact resistance grounding point. And the like previously described linker dirty battery, the contact resistance can lead to hum noise, and destroy the quality. The grounding of audio equipment, audio systems focus on one point. If they are not the focus point grounding potential difference exists between the audio components may result in generation of noise.

Note: The host should be grounded and the amplifier, respectively. When the system current consumption is large,Battery ground terminal must firmly. The method of improving the performance of the power supply is grounded, and the ground between the power supply wire of a large diameter wire, such as wire strands. Doing so can strengthen the connection, effectively suppress noise and improve sound quality. Do not close the trip computer wiring. Remember, the host grounding point near the ground point or fixed-point trip computer, trip computer will generate noise. In the car audio cable and wire cloth for automobile jacket tube should be added.

5, car stereos how to care for

in their daily lives, driving music can give us a feeling of comfort, especially some car audio after conversion, playing out of the music better, but this How long does the effect can be maintained? If you pay attention to maintenance own car audio, car stereo is probably time to time, need to be replaced, small depending on the circumstances, we describe a method of car audio maintenance as follows.

daily manual maintenance
because of the complexity of environmental reasons, it is very difficult to get the car stereo music to achieve good results, so this requires the owners of the usual time, pay more care of their cars, what to see dusty, and the need to take the initiative in their own hands clean.

moisture and dust proof shock
also belongs to the high-tech car audio products, can not withstand the ravages of complex environments, if driving, car stereos water, into the dust, violent vibration will affect the life of the car to the car.

do not often replace the disc
often frequent replacement, easy to wear tank car audio, and put the disc, pay attention to gently, not too much action.

Do not put the volume at one time the largest
Do not be a one-time car stereo volume to full size, it is easy to burn out the power amplifier.

music sometimes, is the human soul mate, if the lack of music, car journey, will be a lot of lonely, so maintenance of car audio is necessary.

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