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What is Ferruccio Lamborghini?

1 Historical figures

Feiluqiou Lamborghini in Italy after the war created a series of tractors, oil burners and air-conditioning systems, thus establishing a reputation for their brand, and in 1963 in Italy Sant ‘Agata set up its own depot. This is said to have a Lamborghini sports car fans and intend to Enzo Ferrari (Enzo Ferrari) meeting, I would like to ask some recommendations for improvement of their products. However, Ferrari and is not intended to listen to a tractor manufacturer. Although not verified, this anecdote is always popular in the circle. Regardless of the truth, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car – Lamborghini 350GTV– available, and it marks the beginning of a period of amazing road to success. No one can expect in the future some super celebrity in the world will compete to buy a Lamborghini, a long roster have Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All records of each era’s most successful sports cars are all reproduced in the annals of the two famous sports car Lamborghini “Countach” and “Miura”. After

experienced a series of ups and downs twists and turns, Ferruccio Lamborghini finally retired from the company in 1972. Lamborghini (whether human or company) never lack

imagination, but it has been a lack of strong financial support. In fact, Lamborghini bankruptcy in 1980, the Italian businessman Milan Mu brothers bought the company. Later, Lamborghini has changed hands several times, including Chrysler. But they showed no real concern about the Lamborghini lovers. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has deep roots, the pursuit of their previous cooperation structure aluminum chassis. This relationship and finally in 1998 the achievements of marriage, Lamborghini joined the Volkswagen Group. Under the auspices of Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. In Audi’s management, the plant in 2003, were introduced Murciélago concept car and Gallardo.

This fusion of cultures is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global auto giant, a group full of passionate Italians and Germans proud of a group).The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of Lamborghini. Audi is also able to provide a lot of technical support, financial support and Volkswagen Group also allows Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, which were previously impossible.

revival of proof is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once introduced two new models, the factory facilities have also been expanded and updated and recently the new institute. In addition, the Lamborghini museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, you must go to visit the Lamborghini Museum.

museum commissioner “Audi’s history and culture” sector to highlight the theme of this exhibition specially with a new tool. Highlight the current and future impact through Murciélago, Lamborghini and now two and Gallardo sports car available. Show is divided into four themes: founder Ferruccio Lamborghini, including background information on; during the performance of their job; interspersed play a new chapter in the early 1970s until 1998, was acquired by Audi. The entire contents of focus – ” ‘Running of the Bulls’ logo along with Lamborghini 40 years of wind and rain” – a very memorable exhibition theme.

in Italy and around the world, Lamborghini this one is strange, legendary poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, who in 1959 was still manufacturing tractors, but also cater to air conditioning and radiators. Lamborghini wanted to build a company aircraft, the Italian government sternly refused. Ferrari, Lamborghini is a big fan, he owns four Ferraris, of course, with his production of tractor radiator air conditioning earned his money. Lamborghini’s favorite Ferrari 250 fails, then look for the Ferrari sports car manufacturing company complaints gearbox problem, was rejected. Apart from angry denunciation Ferrari Lamborghini father – Enzo Ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), Enzo Ferrari’s reply was even more peculiar: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make sports bar! (Ferrari early as now, the horse Niubi Hong Hong, they put all the focus on racing, the general civilian car racing just to make money to subsidize research and development, civilian-level Ferrari road handling performance in general, but the owners are not satisfied can not complain, because it may be prohibited from buying a Ferrari, it seems everyone has cheap property).

is aloof nature RamboGini was respected by his own people so mockery, fairly serious consequences: he sold his prized four Ferrari and go bankrupt, “Lamborghini sports car Manufacturing Co.” In just 15 km from the capital of the Ferrari Modena’s Sant agata bolohgess New.

Next Lamborghini do anything – and dug a large number of people from Ferrari and Maserati, including the famous Bizzarini (Giotto Bizzarini), Ferrari 250GTO designer, his influence on 20th-century Italian motor racing force even higher than the Enzo and Forui Ken, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine to become Lamborghini Ferrari challenge banner. Bizzarini enough personality, because of his renegade Ferrari after Enzo Ferrari refused to let him use independent suspension, for many years Hou Enzuo Ferrari to let go Bizzarini a rude awakening!

October 26, 1963, in Turin, Italy Auto Show, Lamborghini launched his first work 350GTV (chassis number 0100), top speed of 280 km / h, producing only one. Finally, the birth of a demon, a demon go maverick route, the demon let Italy’s most prestigious designers Gandini devoted a lifetime of effort.

Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.

2, Lamborghini Secret History

1. The first is named Lamborghini tractor vehicle. In 1948, 32-year-old Feiluxiao Lamborghini (Ferruccio Lamborghini) left the US military to use some of the parts, assembled this tractor. Lamborghini tractors continue to produce, but the whole business was sold to the German race Mai DEUTZ – Farr Group (SAME Deutz-Fahr Group).

2. Lamborghini and Germany to exact revenge

Lamborghini currently belongs to the Volkswagen Group, but it is a close contact with the German first occurred in 1977. At that time BMW Lamborghini please helpHelp their own design and manufacture of M1. Contracting parties is to create 400 units, but they seriously underestimated the costs, Lamborghini only completed six, BMW canceled the following year cooperation project, changed its own independent research and development.

3. The war of words about Miura’s surely no one would think the Lamborghini Miura is not from Marcelo Gan Platini (Marcello Gandini) hands. However, a recent rumor reported on a sketch of his former colleague Qiao Jietuo-Giugiaro (Giorgetto Giugiaro) involved together again provoked the copyright dispute.

4. supermodel with King supermodel Twiggy (Twiggy) and the Shah of Iran which have in common? The answer is that they all have the Lamborghini Miura. In addition to only a Lamborghini factory Miura Spyder, the Shah of Iran Miura SV-J is perhaps the world’s rarest and most famous Lamborghini.

5.Miura chief engineer of Lamborghini Jane Paul Dallara (Gianpaolo Dallara) and Paul Stan Charney (Paolo Stanzani) to carry out the project in his spare time. Feiluxiao initially approved the project, that the arrangement of the transverse mid-engine V12 is not suitable for the street car. But in the 1965 Turin Motor Show, Miura in splendor, has been in hot pursuit. Thus, Feiluxiao had no choice but production Lamborghini Miura.

6.1980 years with the support of family funds, Swiss Patrick Mile Man (Patrick Mimram) control the brink of bankruptcy Lamborghini company, and make it profitable. In 1987, when the profitability reached its peak supercar, the Lamborghini Mile Man sold to Chrysler.

7. can take you through the desert Lamborghini

Saddam’s son Uday Hussein (Uday Hussein) has a Lamborghini lm002.2004年美军进行防范汽车炸弹的训练this car was filled with explosives, detonated, and then blown to pieces.

8. The legal Countach in cottage 1The mid-990’s, and now the Lotus Cars boss Mike Kimberley (Mike Kimberley) had their operations Lamborghini brands, authorized the Argentine company called Joan Ferci in South America sales and manufacturing cottage Lamborghini

9. Lamborghini had It provided during 1989-1993 for the F1 team engine, even in 1991, also has had its own F1 team, but in five seasons, it only scored a total of 20 points. However, Lamborghini successes in the development of ocean racing engine area, who won the crown in 1994, an offshore water Rowing Championships (Class 1 World Championship) is.

10. Competition on heartbeat as of June 6, 2009, the three Lamborghini Gallardo police car production. These cars are not just a public relations star, in the city of Rome serving bike Lamborghini police car has traveled 140,000 kilometers. Taurus car

11. mad cow Feiluxiao Lamborghini like bulls, so this is his model named theme.

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