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What is Henry Ford?

1 Biography

Henry Ford

Henry Ford, was born in 史普林威尔 town of Wayne County, Michigan (SpringwellsTownship, WayneCounty, MI .), 史普林威尔 town is now Debao city (Dearborn, MI.) a part of.

Henry Ford was a born mechanic, he was a boy toy is a variety of tools. From age 13, repair his watch, repair machine, 17-year-old played a machinery factory as an apprentice mechanic. To the 23-year-old, the growing wealth of manufacturing experience, Henry Ford started to develop the use of the internal combustion engine driven vehicles. 1886 Ford and his father reached a compromise: his father gave him 40 acres of timber, the condition is to let his son give up being a mechanic.

In 1947, Henry Ford died in his hometown Depot home at the age of 83 years old. In 1999,

“Fortune” magazine named the Ford, “the 20th century’s greatest entrepreneurs,” in recognition of his and Ford Motor Company made on human development. In 2005, “Forbes” magazine published a history of the 20 most influential entrepreneur, Henry Ford topped the list.

2, life

youth of Henry Ford

July 30, 1863 Greenfield was born in Michigan City. Irish immigrant father, brothers Henry 6 people ranked first. Henry became a self-steam technology division.

into 1887 Detroit Edison Company lamp when the technician, the Chief Engineer promoted. His painstaking design of the car, a 1896 pilot made two-cylinder air-cooled four-horsepower car.

In 1898 resigned, became the first car company, but only 25 cars produced after 1900 to facilitate bankruptcy.

1903 June 16 Ford Motor Company was established again, and has served as general manager. with, The company produced the first a Ford.

In 1908, Ford has made the T-Ford. This popular car popular, popular in Europe, completely changed the American way of life.

in 1911 built the first car assembly plant in Kansas City, Missouri.

In 1913, Ford founded the world’s first automobile assembly line. This flow process came to be known as “Fordism”, and widely promoted throughout the world. This system is organized on the basis of mass production to standardize on, and all mechanization and automation, high productivity of labor has become a form of production organization.

In 1914, the first eight hours pay $ 5 wage to workers, to change the way American workers.

In 1915, US President Woodrow Wilson met with Ford, praised Ford Motor Company.

In 1919 Henry bought the shares of other shareholders of the company, the exclusive company. He also used the funds to expand production Citibank, the company became the 20th century, the world’s biggest car company. Ford himself called “car king”, whose family became one of the United States several major chaebol.

In 1921, US President Warren Harding Seoul Gan Meili met Ford, praised “you create for the United States of one of the most amazing company,”

In 1927, the company ceased production T Fords, began manufacturing the new model a.

In 1929, US President Herbert · C. Hoover participated in the inauguration of the Ford Museum.

1932 V-8 producing car. Now the company has achieved diverse operations, both manufacturing, assembly and sale of cars (Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Continental brand), trucks, tractors and related parts and accessories, but also the development, production and consumption with and aerospace industry (including communication and Meteosat) of electronic products and appliances.

In 1936, Henry Ford and his son Edsel together in Michigan founded the Ford Foundation. It is the beginning of a local welfare organization whose purpose is to widely promote human well-being (the base will develop very fast, by 1950 it had become a national and international organizations).

In 1943, Henry’s only son Ai Desai’s death, he took command of the company for many companies to their grandson – Henry Ford II.

In 1946, the “golden car 50 years” because Ford’s contribution to the automotive industry and awarded him an honorary award; “New York Times” commented: Ford is not only the founder of the Ford Motor Company, but also led the entire development of the automotive industry.

April 3, 1947, Henry – Ford died. Funeral that day, all the US auto production line shut down for one minute in honor of the “automobile industry Copernicus.”

3, industry history

early Ford automobile manufacturing

Ford at the age of 12 spent a lot of time to build up its own mechanical workshop, at the age of 15 he personally built an internal combustion engine.

1879 Ford left home to go to Detroit to do mechanic apprentice, upon graduation he entered the Westinghouse Electric Company. In 1888 he married. In 1891 Ford became an engineer company Edison lighting. When he was promoted to master engineer in 1893, he had to carry out his personal research on the internal combustion engine enough time and money. In 1896 he built his first car, he named it “wagon” (Quadricycle). Since then, he left Edison and other inventors lighting company, and together they founded the Detroit Automobile Company. But the company soon went bankrupt because Ford one would like to study at the expense of a new car selling cars. He let his car with the other company car game to prove superiority of his car. His second own company, Henry Ford, the company’s main product is his car.

October 10, 1901 Ford drives his own car to win. But soon his sponsors would force him to leave the Henry Ford, after which the company was renamed Cadillac. Ford and 11 other investors and $ 280 million in funding to establish the Ford Motor Company in 1903. His newly designed car with only 39.4 seconds to open over a mile, was a famous athlete these racing car named Ford 999 type, and took him around the United States. As a result, Ford became famous in the United States. In 1908 Ford introduced the Model T Ford. From 1909 to 1913, Ford’s Model T in several times to win the game. 1913 Ford out of the race because of his dissatisfaction with the rules of the competition. This time he did not need to participate in the competition, because the T-already very famous. Ford introduced the assembly line the same year his factory, thereby tremendously increase the production capacity.

In 1918 half the car running in the United States is T-shaped. Ford paid great attention to the protection and Chang Yang T-shaped design. (Ford says: “Any customer can these car painted any color that he would, as long as it retains its black.”) This design is maintained until 1927. 1927 Ford produced a total of 15 million Model T. After 45 years it will be a world record. Ford paid great attention to his relationship with his employees. His employees work eight hours a day. In 1913 when the daily salary of $ 5 (quite impressive for that time). 1918 T-peak periods salary was raised to $ 600 per day. On the circumstances, this is unheard of. In addition, Ford also reward employee inventions, allowing them to share profits brought their invention. On the other hand, Ford is absolutely opposed to the union. In order to stop his trade union activities and especially to hire research methods to prevent the union in his factory. Until 1941, only the first strike took place at Ford’s factory, but until 1945, when Ford left his company union really be able to gain a foothold in his factory.

“Time Magazine” cover of Henry Ford

January 1, 1919, Ford will give the position of president of the company to his son Edsel Ford. Nevertheless he is still the company of a person. In a Edsel term there is little Henry had no say in the decision under, and these did not say in his decision he later also tend to be canceled. At this time, Ford began to buy back shares in the hands of other investors, which made him and his son to become the sole owner of the company. But this decision to the Ford Motor Company brought a certain blow. At this time, a post-war recession forced Ford to borrow large sums of money to buy back his shares. In 1920, Ford bought a lot of land in the Brazilian rubber tree species to the aim of producing tires for his car. But the result of this action is a big failure. In 1945 he sold these landsWhen he suffered a great loss. Model T in 1920, sales began to decrease. One reason is that other carmakers introduced a system of car loans. New systems and other mechanical vehicle is T do not have the car. Although his son Edsel Ford repeated attempts to persuade him, Henry Ford stubbornly refused to join the new system in the Model T in (the price increase because the new system, so that customers can not afford a car), also rejected the introduction of credit system (because Ford believes this approach for the economy).

1926 T-sharp decline in the amount of the sale of Henry Ford recognized that his son has been adhering to the idea was right: they need a new car. Henry Ford is mainly engaged in the design of the engine, bodywork and other mechanical devices in these areas he has a wealth of technical experience. His son mainly shape of the design. Edsel Ford also overcame his father started against the introduction of the hydraulic brake system. The results of this cooperation has been very successful Ford Model A. December 1927 was introduced in 1931 had produced four million Model A. Henry Ford has been very interested in the plastic, especially plastic made from soybeans is very interested. In the 1930’s plastic everywhere in the soybean Ford car. January 13, 1942, Ford reported an almost entirely composed of plastic car of patents. It is lighter than the average car percentage of 30, it is said to be 10 times the impact strength to withstand general automobiles. But this car was never produced.

May 26, 1943 death of Edsel Ford, President of posts unoccupied. Henry Ford and Edsel Ford’s widow, who inherited the job in the different views. Finally, when Henry Ford personally post. After two years in the case of Ford’s very difficult, the monthly loss of $ 10 million. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt even consider funding from the Ford survive federal money to ensure the production of wartime.

4, management thought

Henry Ford grasp the company purse

In 1896, Henry Ford, the Detroit first car “gasoline carriage” opened on Main street; 1899In August, 37 years old, he resigned from the power company, from all the energy involved in the automotive business. Firmly support his wife. Control of Enterprise’s purse is the first step to achieve the dream of technology experts. He started at the Detroit Motor Corporation (formerly known as Cadillac) When the chief engineer, workshop-style production after three years, he resigned again, determined to “never directed against others.” In 1903, Ford Motor Company, Capital 10 $ 50 million of his shares initially was 25.5%. “Despite previous lessons, but I still want to develop the company’s own shares is less than a controlling stake,” Henry Ford later recalled, “but soon I found myself must have a controlling stake.” When production reached 100 a day vehicles, when some shareholders feeling insecure, they tried to stop Henry Ford management company. And his answer is: “I hope that one day long ago the production of 1000.”

In 1906, Henry Ford holds a 51% stake with the earned money, not long before they holdings to 58.5 percentage; to 1919, his son Edsel to $ 75 million to buy the remaining 41.5 percentage shares. “In order to achieve a real factory of economic benefits, must go all out to produce a product.” Henry Ford recognized, “Financial policy is determined by my sales strategy, I believe puerile less lucrative sales ratio is much better . “it also means unprecedented risk. If Ford was subject to investment funds, after the stable profitability difficult “amazing jump” into an unprecedented “mass consumer market,” – which means simple varieties, large scale production, low-cost distribution network. Ford magically developed rapidly. Since history is written by the victors, since it exists only in mature markets had Henry Ford’s mind, since he won the bet, so he was right.

at the end of 1920, the war inflated automobile industry suffered a downturn on Wall Street predict Ford needs a lot of working capital. Prior to the Ford family bought all the shares of the company, and in the early months of 1921 to pay $ 58 million – only $ 20 million at this time on Ford’s bank account. Considering the long-standing prejudice against Henry Ford’s financial capital, lending practices of Wall Street happy. A treatment program are: to borrow money. In exchange for huge loans to banks on behalf of Ford Motor Company as the main financialtube. Henry Ford launched to explore the potential of the internal fighting. He appointed his son as chief financial officer of the company, to clean up redundant during the war, withdraw money abroad, are free to sell bonds and sell products. In late January 1921, a company-wide ten thousand backbone (foreman, junior foreman and assistant foreman) gathered at the core of the plant started. The reduction of indirect costs per vehicle from $ 146 to $ 93 (yield more than 4000 a day); through improved freight, shorten the production cycle from 20 days to 14 days, this one will make an inventory of $ 28 million! The end result: After Ford left the company to repay debt of $ 27.3 million in cash. “To expand production and to borrow money is one thing, to compensate for errors and waste management and borrowing money is another matter.” Strikes Back on shore industrial capitalists reflection, “the banker actually controlled by his credit and controls the general entrepreneur banker had too comfortable. “

to master the core production technology, materials

a Ford car about 5000 parts. Mastery of the production of the core materials, technology, key components of mass production premise. Initially, Ford assembled in a factory in the whole car, and later because of their manufacturing parts, began departmentalization, each department is only responsible for one thing. Under the fine division of labor, reduce the purchase of Ford parts to the outside, but on the outside parts manufacturing plant. High degree of standardization, the height of the industrial division of labor is no longer concentrated in a large factory. Steel is the cornerstone of the auto industry materials. In 1905, Henry Ford in a racing car found French steel great, very light but also toughness. After the study, they know that the French have a composition of vanadium steel. US steel mills are able to produce, they know how to find a British production, has found a small blast furnace steel mills to do the test, began with 20 different steel to manufacture all kinds of parts. Automobile production requires a lot of coal. These coal directly from coal mining through Detroit, Ford, Ford and Tory-controlled multi Elton rail to Highland Park factory and covers an area of ​​665 acres of the Rogue River plant. Wherein a portion of a coke oven for which by – product gas is used for the heat treatment. Originally the gas will be purchased. Material enough to affect the stability of production, parts and components “are not in the arms”, making Ford’s production regardless of the weather, the effects of war. In contrast, during the war, in addition to their manufacturing submarines for the Navy, the Army manufactured tanks, also provides for the British farm5000 tractor. Prestigious Ford Model T was the first car model to use its own engine manufacturing, but also in the eyes of Henry Ford’s “final model.”

“No title Management”

“trees heavy ground covered with beautiful round berries, …… duties strictly limited within the berry of his girth.” The farmer’s son described the “office politics.” . “A group of people together to work, not to write to each other; for people, in order to work together, do not need to love one another.” He believes that “a large number of labor unrest were originated in those lower-level managers unjustly exercise . power “in the internal management, the Ford Motor company to promote maximum” no title management “:” There is no particular duties attached to any office, not on a series of lower power levels, and almost no title, no meetings …… no red tape. “” no one boasts of being the president of a bankrupt bank. overall, the enterprise is difficult to manage skillfully, it can not give the helmsman like pride. “According to experience, not difficult to find that person to be lifted, but who wants to It is lifted. Because not many people get more money at the same time hope, but also hope to accept more responsibility and work. But this is normal. This is better than any title according to the division of responsibilities, to get job promotion as goals. “We have no position prepared in advance, we are always looking for the best position themselves. This is very easy to do, because there is always work.” Henry Ford said: When you consider that get the job done, rather than to find a suitable title for the lifting of a wanted person when there would be no lifting of the difficulty.

Henry Ford made cars high wages + benefits

“As a leader, the employer’s goal should be, can give workers more than any company in the same industry wages “Henry Ford’s wage concept reflects the” enlightened self-interest thinking “: workers get the minimum wage of $ 6 a day; take the lead in working hours reduced from nine hours to eight hours. He does not advocate hiring “working parents”, because the mother went out to work is “the child of sin.” “High wages” There is a meaning. After analysis, the 7882 work in 4034 does not need to have a complete physical abilities. This became the theoretical basis for the Ford factory employment of people with disabilities. Tens of thousands of people with disabilities get equal normal wages. Besides the salary, benefits. enjoyThere are benefits that: the burden of family life, married men, and women “frugal” single men and raising relatives. High wages combined benefits help to achieve low cost. Factory workers have deep feelings, improve efficiency, increase savings endless creative approach. Workers often good advice from the serious work. With an overhead conveyor system to transport iron from the foundry to the machine shop, which saves 70 people for the Department of Transportation.

Ford resulting in savings of more than forty million US dollars revenue: If each part to save a penny, the total number up to millions of dollars a year. Cleaning garbage from a year can get $ 600,000; using a special screw year savings of $ 500,000. “Wages solved nine tenths of mental problems.” Henry Ford concluded. “Just as we do not know to what extent higher wages to the same, lower price and to what extent we do not know.” Welfare beneficiaries and even customers. Ford’s profit due to rapid cash flow and long-term to maintain at a high level. One year profit more than expected, so the company voluntary return of the owner of each vehicle to $ 50. Henry Ford once said: The secret of success lies in his own foot into other people’s shoes, and then use other people’s point of view of things, the service is such a spirit, standing position of the guests to see the whole world.

process decomposition, optimization

October 1, 1908, Ford introduced the Model T. Along with this “car of the century”, factory production management increasingly stable. Each foreman efficiency of his department are recorded every day. There are a variety of supervision include table of contents, a department if something is wrong, immediately yield table can be displayed. For automakers this trouble, “the decomposition process, optimization” was advancing resolutely and thoroughly, and the effect is amazing. In an example of the piston rod assembly according to the old method, the assembly 28 individuals per day 175 – 3 minutes and 5 seconds each; foremen after analysis operation using a stopwatch, the time for half found back and forth, the operation of each to be six so he transformed the process, the workers into three groups – no longer need to move around, and the bench tops the pulley drive – now seven people will be able to assemble 2600 per day. Almost every week, Ford are on the machine or work program carried out some improvements. Small scale of production when the factory was tired and dirty to need 17 individual specialized gear deburringSide; with a dedicated machine, four people can easily dry a few dozen people live. After 37 people had a special camshaft straighten stove with a new stove, under increasing production as long as eight people …… for complete decomposition and optimization of production processes, indicating the strength of the production history of the most subversive of . Henry Ford on this basis, have created an unprecedented pipeline.

the best of the great magician

Henry Ford was one of the era’s most outstanding great magician. The car assembly line mode of production from the factory workshop stepped into the era, brought in a revolution in modern industry and commerce. “From the change we can understand that we paid a price far greater than the pay, understand that people get much lower wages than they deserve, but also to understand how there are vast fields waiting to be exploitation . “he wrote in his memoirs,” Ford Motor company just go down this road a short distance only. “Henry Ford insisted free economy, against monopoly (he ate” bitterness guild organization “); resolutely oppose opportunism, and the investment as “speculation”; he established a vocational school offers the opportunity to learn and work for tens of thousands of poor children, built hospitals, railways, compared with the peer set a benchmark. In addition to managing the enterprise, Henry Ford also think in political economics lot of time. As an idealist, he dreamed of “removed from the hard labor out of labor”, to democracy, the essence of wages and welfare, charity, and human relations machine and others have described. Henry Ford along with large industrial born, his name so that future generations awe.

5, auto magnate

in the world, “the father of the automobile” Only Carl Everett Li Qi Benz a person, too, enjoy the “car king” reputation only Henry Ford, a person can be described as unprecedented, and no latecomers. He is the human society into the automobile age. Ford was born on July 30, 1863, the son of a farmer. He was brought up quite engaged in farming complaints, but to tinker with mechanical full of strong interest, and thus get past a lot of times disaster, fortunately, for his “nonsense” never had any complaints.

Henry Ford and hisProduction of the Model T the age of 17, he was alone in Detroit, Michigan to automobile manufacturing company went to work. But in Detroit’s largest factory has 2,000 people, Ford only six days to quit, because “the company’s outstanding employees can take several hours to repair the machines, I can fix as long as 30 minutes and therefore I am very dissatisfied with the other employees “(Ford language). Later, he has engaged in mechanical repair, watch repair, ship repair and other work, and also while working to attend night school, so that will be able to “unyielding living under were rather over a lifetime others use, he opened a manufacturing machinery factory” . To achieve this goal, he also bid farewell to the rich and warm home, to work country studied electrical knowledge Edison Electric side.

Christmas 1893, Ford gasoline engine test successful, which gave him great encouragement, determination to continue its efforts to develop its own “horseless carriage.” The spring of 1896, his car developed a first, successful, Ford feel very happy. In 1899, Ford has successfully produced the three cars, so he is being recognized at the local elite in this field. So he worked with others to set up a Detroit car company and served as Manufacturing Manager. However, a year later the company was disbanded because: Almost all employees have no experience in manufacturing cars; poor quality parts, procurement is not timely, often delayed work mileage; the high cost of manufacturing a car can not be sold out. So, in order to manufacture 20 cars later, the company closed. October 10, 1901, Ford accepted the main business reputation built up with racing challenge Covington, pro-self-driving car racing competition, and he unexpectedly won. Thus, in business people’s support, he established a second car company. But mass production required for the production of automotive technology is completely different from a single car, a former mechanic at the Ford was apparently not up to the task. When investors will find that he is only keen to spend money to develop a race car can not be sold at high prices, it unceremoniously out of the factory gate. In this way, the second time Ford car factory do also ended in failure.

Ford will not go through two failed intimidated, he still sought in the development of the automotive industry, and to pay a greater effort than ever: car racing four performances, and constantly improve vehicle structure. As often win various competitions, he is a leapAnd become “the nation’s first-class car driver”, and the press as “speed demons” (his car had hit a 11 km / h speed record on a 0.8 kilometer-long street). June 1903, Ford’s third collaboration with others, according to a joint-stock company set up the car model, although the company has only 10 employees, but they have created a stable performance of the A-type automobile, car type A laid for the future development of Ford material basis, which in less than a year on the sales of 650, to achieve a good start. The following year, A car stable at 300 per month in the third year reached 360, Ford thus become a wholly Detroit busiest factories. In 1906, N car come out, this is an inexpensive car, beautiful appearance, good performance, combined with the subsequent launch of R, S-type and other vehicles within two years sold more than 8,000 vehicles. N car is one of Ford’s proud of the work, its success not only to Ford to rid itself of a life of poverty, but also provides a good experience for future large-scale development.

Henry Ford autumn of 1908, the Model T compelling grand come out. Model T design ideas in many ways, the production wanted, retail pricing, sales organization, after-sales service have adopted different approach. The various parts of the Model T was first designed to be a unified standard, to achieve the assembly swap; large assembly plant, assembly line method of the invention is to become someone else by mechanical conveyors transporting parts and tools, which greatly improves the work efficiency ; low pricing (per vehicle sold for only $ 850, then to $ 360) sales strategy, so most people can afford to buy; provide adequate spare parts and timely service protection, eliminating the user’s worries; miserly wages in magnitude (implementation of “eight hours of $ 5 days” – the equivalent of more than 200 percentage of the previous salary, automobile industry and the financial sector unanimous opposition, have predicted that he would go bankrupt), in order to improve efficiency, reduce the cost of production (in 1914, the company produced 13,000 less than 730,000 cars, a profit of $ 30 million). Due to low car prices, easy to use, easy maintenance, sales are booming. A total of more than 1,500 units of production is to create an unprecedented record. Even the Model T Ford was a great success, has also become a vehicle of ordinary people, changing people’s lifestyles, ways of thinking and entertainment, humanInto the automobile age. Late

1920s, the United States began to form a huge market for used cars, quite a large number of good quality used car only a few dozen or even more than ten dollars can buy, which is renowned for its “cheap” and known the Model T is a great shock. At the same time, production by General Motors Sloan led a diverse range of trendy and sophisticated luxury cars to meet the purchasing needs of different sectors of the Model T also formed a greater competitive pressures. In 1927, Ford had to make their own stubborn beloved Model T black death, the whole company discontinued a year converting the new Model A. Since converting organization hurry, costly, coupled with the impact of the ensuing Great Depression, Ford badly hurt, throughout the 1930s have failed to recover, were common (1927) and Chrysler (1936) exceeded. Later, after struggling to catch up with the whole company, it is considered a firm foothold in the “country’s second” position, that more than half of the national output of exclusive Gone are the days. In 1945, Ford had to give grandson Henry Ford II. April 7, 1947, Detroit Henry Ford died due to cerebral hemorrhage, aged 83 years old.

6, memorabilia


June 4, 1896, Henry Ford put his first car – a mounted on the trolley frame four-wheel bicycle wheel car on Detroit streets.

Ford Motor Company, a century-old landmark

century events

October 10, 1901, Henry Ford in a car race victory over the then champion Alexander Winton character. The victory brought him fame can receive financial support, after less than two years he founded the Ford Motor Company.

of the first dealers

January 15, 1903, the first Ford dealership (William Hewson company) in California Shengfulanxi Scott opened.

The company was established

June 16, 1903, Henry Ford and 11 original investors signed the incorporation documents. This is Henry Ford pioneered the automotive manufacturing business third attempt.

to expand business in North America

August 17, 1904, the formation of Ford Canada; June 23, 1925, Ford founded the company in Mexico.

Model T

October 1, 1908, Ford introduced the Model T, between 1908-1927 the annual production of 1 thousand five hundred ten thousand T car, 1927, the company ceased production of the Model T’s.

extended sales organization

October 1, 1908, in Paris, France, the company set up its first overseas sales organization. December 1913, in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, Ford established a sales organization.

Selden syndicate

January 9, 1911, through a complicated court proceedings, Henry Ford won a lawsuit against Selden syndicate. The Ford Motor Company and all other car manufacturers do not have to pay royalties for the internal combustion engine.

expand operations in Europe

In 1911, Ford’s first factory outside North America for completion in England Rochester.

June 25, 1919, Ford Motor Company has established offices in Denmark and assembly plant, and later on August 18, 1925 the same institution established in Germany.

automobile assembly lines

October 7, 1913, the creation of car assembly lines. Highland Park established in the

Henry Ford

an assembly line, so that the speed of assembly almost eightfold. Eventually every 10 seconds per working day have a T-drove production line.

US daily wage of 5

January 5, 1914,Henry Ford announced the company’s eight-hour day minimum daily wage to $ 5, was more than twice the level of wages (instead of nine hours daily wage of $ 2.34 standard).

the first Ford truck

July 27, 1917, Ford launched the first TT trucks.

Jung factory

January 4, 1918, began construction of a large automobile manufacturing joint ventures. Jung (Rouge) plant in scale, integration and technology innovation have written a new chapter in the history of the manufacturing sector. The plant can be completed cars from raw material to the final assembly of the whole production process.

Edsel Ford

January 1, 1919, Edsel Ford, Henry Ford succeed president of the company.

Ford acquired Lincoln brand

February 4, 1922, Ford acquired Lincoln brand.

expand its business in the Asia Pacific region

February 17, 1925, Ford Japan was founded.

Ford, three engines

October 8, 1925, Ford created the first frame Ford, three engines (Tri-Motor) aircraft, later produced a total of 196 It was first used by the US commercial airlines.

A car
October 27, 1927, Ford began production of the Model A Jung factory.

designed for specific markets came

February 19, 1932, Ford launched the first car designed specifically for Europe, Y car in England.

V8 come out

March 9, 1932, Ford became the first of a successful V8 engine block casting a whole company.

back to the community

June 12, 1933, Henry Ford Museum and GreenField Village (formerly Edison Institute) opened to the public.


1935, Ford created the Mercury (Mercury) brand, to fill the vacancies in the market between high-end products and Ford Lincoln products. Mercury has been the representative of innovation and personalized cars.

the spirit of democracy Arsenal

February 28, 1941 at the Jung factory, Edsel Ford driving a car from World War II, the first Ford production line rolled off. March 1941, Ford produced the first military utility vehicles (jeeps). February 1, 1942, the company suspended production of civilian vehicles, comprehensive turned to military production.

The first Ford / UAW labor agreement

June 20, 1941, Ford Motor Company and the United Auto Workers employees on North America signed its first collective bargaining agreement closed.

Henry Ford again as president

May 26, 1943, Edsel Ford died, only 49 years old. June 1, 1943, Henry Ford returns as president of Ford Motor Company.

Henry Ford II president

September 21, 1945, Henry Ford II, Ford Motor Company president either.

7, the historical contribution

Ford to set up factories started producing cars in 1903

to change the American way of life

between 1903 to 1908, Henry Ford and his engineers feverishly developed 19 different models of cars, in alphabetical order to name it the Model a to Model S, some of which are just test of the vehicle, it never introduced to the public. Some have two or four cylinders, there is a has six; some use chainGear, a wheel gear others. The cars eventually became the basis of the Model T technology. Model T in October 1, 1908 launch, will soon make millions of Americans fascinated. Model T may not only provides an independent and more opportunities and the prices are very reasonable people, originally priced at $ 850. With the design and production to continue to improve, eventually dropped to $ 260. The first year, T car production reached 10,660, a record for the automotive industry. To 1921, T car production, transportation accounted for 56.6 percentage of the world’s automobile production. Ford Model T changed the world not only, but also on behalf of the Ford Motor Company is still pushing forward, innovative and customer-oriented philosophy.

Henry Ford Model T want to be able to get people to buy affordable, simple, strong and durable. Henry Ford’s goal is to produce “global car”. No matter which side, he succeeded. Since the first delivery of a Model T October 1, 1908, until the summer of 1927 Model T history, it sold a total of more than 1,500 million. By 1927, T acclaimed car in the world, he became a symbol of cheap and reliable transportation. Ford Motor Company has created a huge permanent auto market, led to the development of the global automotive industry. By the end of 1913, American cars sold nearly half of Ford production. To the 1920s, more than half of the world’s registered cars are the Ford brand. Many innovative Model T forever changed the automotive industry. Assembly lines running water is Henry Ford in 1913 at Ford’s Highland Park factory’s first. This not only brought great changes to the automotive industry, and the whole industry, in order to bring productivity prompted Ford also help customers. From the Model T to promote the exploitation of innovation, there are many, such as the steering wheel left and set up the passengers easy access.

T of a car engine cylinder block and crankcase made of a single casting; removed using first a cylinder head to facilitate maintenance; manufactured by first using a large amount of Ford Motor Company’s own lightweight, durable vanadium steel alloy. Model T smart “planet” pay-speed gear lets novices feel shifting ease. Innovations and improvements such as these, combined with Henry Ford’s Model T production inherent value, making it the world tend to further urbanization of the occasion to become the best personal transportation. In the production period and after almost a decade between, T car by loading the history of Hollywoodbook. Model T became the most famous movie stars favored by car, but also some of Hollywood’s best car star of the silent films.

Ford produced a car

change the way American workers

Although the concept of Henry Ford’s name and mass production is connected , he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 he practices as measured by today’s standards is still advanced standard. Safety measures were improved, work day was reduced from the then popular 10 or 12 hours to 8 hours. In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire plant from a two to three shifts. In addition, sick leave and improved work-related injuries health were instituted. Ford Motor Company was the first one to establish a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants factory. Even made to hire people with disabilities and people who have criminal records and have made some effort.

The most widely acclaimed innovation was the minimum wage five dollars a day. The aim is to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage growth of labor unions. Ford profit sharing from the perspective of efficiency and explained the new wage policy. He also mentioned the fact that his employees can buy their production of cars – which is actually another for their products has opened up a market. In order to qualify for the minimum wage, an employee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness, industriousness, and dependability. Although some criticism Ford too much interference in the private lives of his employees, but there is no doubt that in the time when immigrants were being taken advantage of in frightful ways, Henry Ford was helping many people in the United States to take root.

line mode, the basis for large-scale production of the 20th century

In 1913, Henry Ford, 50 years old, ambition, energy, resources, experience, everything is ready . Grasp property rights so that he has sufficient space to realize their dreams, take risks; has the core technology enables the production of large-scale production to obtain a stable support; “no title Management” to add the inner workings of the oil, “high wages + benefits,” the workers intention to work with dignity; long-term accumulated process decomposition, optimization experience eventually led to the amazing innovation. The world’s first moving assembly line at the Ford plant appear April 1, 1913, the idea came from ChicagoColombian food packaging plant for processing steak aerial pulley. Early pipeline assembly on the chassis is quickly mounted on the vehicle are a line. Transmission speed after the trial. Pipeline principle is: Following a procedure and tools arrange for the workers, so that, in the whole process to the finished product, each component will go through the shortest possible distance; work using a conveyor belt or other transport means; slide assembly line use, need to assemble the parts on the most convenient distance. Process-oriented, to ensure the smooth and efficient process itself is its essence.

apply these principles, workers reduce unnecessary thinking and residence, to reduce the complexity of the action to a minimum, with only a little action to accomplish one thing. Workers motor magnet assembly has a flywheel 20 minutes, then the work is decomposed into step 29, and ultimately reduce assembly time to 5 minutes, four times more efficient; until October 1913, an engine assembly even ten hours , six months later reduced to six hours with a transmission assembly line. Ford later production amounted to four thousand workers less than 50,000 – Without the pipeline, will have to hire more than 20 million people. With assembly line, Henry Ford, “a single species, large scale,” the strategy is implemented. Model T in twenty years produced 15 million, five or six thousand dollar car from the “rich patent” has become a mass consumer hundreds of dollars.

8, major works

Henry Ford completed the “My Life and Work (1991),” “Today and Tomorrow (1926)” and “Forward (1930),” three books . These three books depicting the development of the Ford Motor Company, and Mr. Ford’s personal philosophy of business and society. Henry Ford and Mr. SamuelCrowther cooperation also published “I know Edison,” a book. And the University of Michigan and Michigan State University awarded a doctorate in engineering. Henry Ford was also awarded Colgate University LL.D ..

9, Character evaluation

Henry Ford

success guru Dale Carnegie believes that in the 19th and 20th centuries, the United States, two of the greatest entrepreneurs, one is “Steel King” Andrew card base, one of whom was “car king” Henry Ford. Carnegie because his life will create wealth donated to charity known, while Ford was relying on determination of quality, with the car changed the history of the United States and the world of transportation, it was his to the United States “got loaded wheels” the United States has entered a new era of development. Success guru Napoleon Hill his success to two people, one is Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, the other is, he thinks: Henry Ford amazing achievement for the “laws of success” of seventeen the law provides the most fundamental reliability of evidence.

Henry Ford left just “Ford” car brand, he also represents a persistent, never give up the entrepreneurial spirit. The famous “Fortune” magazine in the selection “the 20th century’s greatest entrepreneurs”, thus commented: “20th century entrepreneur” is the creator of such an industry, he changed our lives every piece of land, the first Creating a “big market” for, and supply of products, he is the life we ​​see the greatest entrepreneurs. Full of rustic exile, he took to the prejudice of the last decade, but also has the kind of lasting genius – he is Henry Ford.

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