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What is new license Raiders?

After a carefully selected after his beloved car, to the most critical step – the cards, although many 4S stores can charge d’affaires on the card, but have to spend a lot of fees, if the owner is on their own as long as hundreds of pieces on the board You can get away, but this term is for everyone to solve problems, to tell you how easy on the card. .

1 new car brand Raiders Detailed

Data on the card need to be prepared: vehicle certificate, car invoices and pay compulsory insurance policies (commercial insurance may be on the cards after the purchase), wide north area of ​​need, there are car indicators prove. To Che Kwun we should put ID cards, temporary residence permits before the licensing procedures (if any), vehicle certification, purchase invoices and pay high insurance policy 3 copies of each backup copy. To note here is that these copies can not be faxed, or Vehicle Administration is not recognized.

2. The purchase tax to pay a basic introduction to

in the purchase tax paid at purchase tax Zheng Ji, the need to provide identity card and a copy of the purchase invoice (with tax), and a copy of the original certificate, tax returns, if imported vehicles need to provide a certificate and a copy of the import goods, commodity inspection and a copy of a single customs. Guangzhou after limited license, print buyers also need proof of eligibility shall be handled only buy purchase tax business. There will be a vehicle purchase tax clearance certificates can only be used after the CUP card payment, payment success.

3. Basic introduction

● Vehicle Administration to take pictures on the card process, taking pictures of the master will be set up in accordance with the four after your chassis number number plate, into the lower right corner of your car windshield, then give your car to take pictures. Before the picture we need to stick to the windshield of the “CCC” stickers and “car fuel consumption identity” sticker removal, this work is best done prior to the Vehicle Administration, because it is more difficult to identify the two torn .

● rubbing, rubbing generally carried out in this area Vehicle Administration inspection step, sometimes rubbing 4S shop also has a help, but be aware that if they are rubbing parts neat, because the time on the card, required engine number two and three rubbing frame number.

● Thread all own brand vehicles belong exempt vehicles, non-free car will need to “off line” detection, including the detection power, lighting, exhaust, brakes aspect .

● Criminal Investigation completed vehicle rubbing rubbing to get a good engine number and chassis number, we will be able to fill in the Criminal Investigation forensic laboratory data acquisition vehicle inspection table. After fill in the above table collection, to counter the number of rubbing on the table and collect data entry clerk, the Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation to obtain vehicle inspection notice.

then to collect data Vehicle Administration window, fill motor vehicle registration application form, the information submitted to the clerk hands collection window, he will help you organize good information specified window and ask you to pay $ 200 service fee, specific information including: motor vehicle registration application form, a copy of the pay high insurance, purchase invoices (with registration), criminal investigation receipt, ID card and a copy of the original qualification certificate, purchase tax attached sheet, non-city accounts (for example on Guangzhou card, you need to submit non Guangzhou hukou need the flow of personnel information registration table)

● vehicle inspection in inspection car-free zone, the collated information to the presence of the police vehicle inspection. To tie in with the police vehicle inspection work, we should pre-open the engine hatch, dismantling the engine heat shield. Police mainly aimed at testing the chassis number and engine are consistent with good data on the data. Vehicle inspection is completed, the police will give you a number plate business to let you waiting hall.

● After obtaining driving license, vehicle registration certificate completed random selection, the staff will give you a print licensing of motor vehicle certificate, and ask you to pay. Here also only pay by bank card payments. Driving license, vehicle registration certificate and the fee for the reflecting plate 125. After waiting for a period of time after the payment can obtain driving license, vehicle registration certificate.

● purchase travel tax to obtain driving license and machineEMU after the registration certificate, you can find a place to make a copy and then to the corresponding local Vehicle Administration to pay the travel tax this year. Travel tax paid equally do not accept cash, only credit card.

● installation holding a license driving license and motor vehicle registration certificate to the vehicle inspection area to find workers to install license plate reflective warehouse to receive and install. The service is free to install plate, suggest that online shopping on their own accord before the board of SGX rules license plate bracket (SGX rules, and did not follow the installation of license plate, a deduction of 12 points).

● receive a green flag this step can not forget to bring along relevant information (personal car needs driving license, vehicle registration certificate, identity card three cards of the original owners If the car is public, it should be with a “driving license”, “motor vehicle registration certificates,” “corporate code certificate” or “business license” three of the original permit to handle.) free to receive. Because some places restrictions “yellow car” to enter.

So far, a series of steps on the card is complete, the owner of the information obtained has motor vehicle registration certificate, motor vehicle driving permit, conformity marking, green flag annual ticket mark.

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