what’s the use?
When a vehicle collision, the front-engine is forced to move rearwardly easily extruded cab, engine technology can sink downward movement of the engine in a collision, ensure the safety of the car.
Did you know?
· engine sink fall to the ground does not refer to the engine, but the engine mount lowered a few centimeters, avoid pressing the engine cab.
· art typically used in front engine.
· sinking condition head-on collision and a certain speed, if a side impact is not caused by the sinking of the engine.
– when sinking the engine can be absorbed and a portion of impact energy dispersion, but also can reduce the impact of damage to the occupants.
fixed to the engine in a specially designed stent, and the use of special connections, to ensure that in the event of severe front impact process, so that the engine mount according to a preset downwardly inclined track, thereby preventing portions launchMachine moves to the cab. Also some collapsible by snap-fastening type engine, when the frontal collision, the collapsible snap automatically broken, the engine sink.