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What is Soichiro Honda?

1. Introduction

Honda logo Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motor. World famous entrepreneur, the Japanese industrialist, engineer.

mention Japan’s Honda, I am afraid that no one knows. It is known to everybody. Honda Technical Research Institute is today and the world leader in the automotive industry. In corporate Japan, Honda is synonymous with technology and energy, as well as Japanese university graduates very desirable employment objectives.

in the early 1960s, Soichiro Honda began to enter the automotive industry; in 1975 developed to ensure full combustion of gasoline and gasoline-saving devices car composite controlled vortex combustion, the Honda became the world leader in automotive products. The end of 1980, Soichiro Honda get Holly medal issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, following the Henry Ford became the world’s second award of the Medal of Automotive Engineers.

As the founder and first president of HONDA Honda were Ichiro its extraordinary courage and spirit buried scientific research, the development of the Honda company from a small workshop of the world’s top motorcycle repair motorcycle multinational companies and large auto manufacturers.

2, business career

Soichiro Honda

November 7, 1906, Soichiro Honda was born in the Japanese city of Hamamatsu Iwata County Guangming Village, his father was a blacksmith , Soichiro has eight brothers and sisters, family, although very hard, but full of joy. Since childhood, Soichiro this older brother, you have to care of younger siblings, but he happens especially fun, so no less scolded. Father was a blacksmith, so it is time value, the so-called “build on the progress” is the best time to seize under the hammer, this is a good iron play iron. Under his father’s subtle, though Soichiro naughty playful, but it gradually developed a habit of punctuality. Meanwhile, in the monasteries, he became interested in the cause of locomotive produced a child, when he first saw the car, so fascinated, his biography describes it: I forgot all chasing that part car, I was deeply shock, though I’m just a childSon, I think that’s when, one day I want to own a car manufacturing idea has been launched ……

Soichiro did not want to spend my life in the countryside, he had made up his mind, after graduating from elementary school to tokyo to see the outside world. Just then his father on the set of a magazine “bike world” and saw a job advertisement, persuaded his parents, a letter to the candidates, sent a notice soon. Graduation ceremony was over, Soichiro immediately went to Tokyo with his father. Bustling Tokyo Malaysia on the road, the car flow. As early as eight years ago, Soichiro had seen the car, but eight years later, he is still yearning for car ever. As first came to countryman metropolitan Tokyo, busy during the day and at night feasting lively scene, make him marvel. Soichiro candidates Chamber of Commerce is a technology called auto repair shop. The factory has 15 employees, business is very prosperous. God father to the original owner and his son Yoo three greetings entrusted to him later, in a hurry to go back. In this way, Soichiro was admitted to the repair shop. Technical Chamber of Commerce in six years time, Soichiro pay attention to learning, and soon mastered the technology to repair all vehicles, but also learned, at the same time, serious and responsible work, we must treat guests warm, will have business sources. At this time, he has not satisfied when a hired hand, and so in support of the boss, he returned home, for 200 yen to the boss as start-up capital, pending a “technical Chamber of Commerce Hamamatsu branch” signs, although only a worker, but also considered to start their own independent business career.

3, born inventor of

Soichiro Honda

After opening with one hand and Soichiro superb repair technology quickly won the praise. Business bigger and bigger, the repairman to six people. He then played a full hour of intelligent effort. One time, they drill into the house, invent, through research and sleepless nights, he developed to replace the wooden wheel spokes wheel spokes iron, access to experts praise at the fair. And apply for national patent offices to obtain a patent. Soichiro less than 30 years old, a very generous. Repair of things to shop and go to the employee, he still likes tinkering with machines. He created a motorboat, take yearsLight workers ride on the lake. He also drove by his modified Ford, the All-Japan Automobile speed contest, life is stressful and exciting. Spring career also brought him a love of spring.

In 1933, he and a primary school teacher Zuo Zhi married. But the inventor of married life without any romantic place. Neither marriage nor the honeymoon, he buries himself in the lab continue invention. The wife has no regrets, Soichiro when a good wife, and later, with Soichiro “Mr. president” to call his wife, he said, because of her own children this weary head before they get the education, only to live in this world, we have made that kind of success.

In 1934, Soichiro suddenly presented to staff: give up the aftermarket business, switch to the production of auto parts. We have this change, because after careful market research, Soichiro found: increasingly fierce competition in the automotive industry, but the supply of spare parts has become increasingly scarce. Sharp-eyed he boldly proposed to adjust the direction at this moment, for future development has laid a good foundation.

In 1937, Soichiro succeeded in producing a car key parts of piston rings. This year, Toyota Motor Company was established to manufacture truck-based. Soichiro to his own company named “East China Precision Machinery Company”, referred to as the “East Sea Seiki.” Toyota Motor Company became the main buyer of Tokai Seiki piston rings. It was just “World War II” period, although it does not agree with the war Soichiro, but in the war to stimulate the economy, “Tokai Seiki” has been a great development. However, in terms of capital and raw materials has been subject to large customers Toyota constraints, which makes Soichiro not very satisfied, one day he decided he wanted to live on their own.

4, open up a new world

Honda logo post-war Japan devastated, due to the bombing of the US military and the Great Kanto Earthquake, munitions factories, “Tokai Seiki” has no longer its former glory. So, Soichiro will own all of the shares sold to Toyota. After the money arrived, he wanted to do something big, but it was social chaos, almost all supplies are controlled by the US occupation forces, if rashly engage in the inevitable failure. Acts 1Lang and start from scratch, ready to engage in textile machinery. He built a house seat 160 square meters, and hang the “Honda Motor Co., the” brand, by working at the loom. However, soon reached an impasse.

As the investment is too large, from selling shares of a fund has been depleted, while the new trial has not loom out. He then thought of the car, but the car is more than the cost of funds loom. At this time, he thought the motorcycle. At that time, the micro-engine Army communication devices have no use, and piled in a warehouse. After learning that Soichiro, inexpensive to buy it, mounted to the bicycle as a power. This is called “pit” mopeds well received. Because at the time, traffic chaos, crowded vehicles, city people eager to have convenient transportation of their own. Can not afford to buy a car, this vehicle naturally favored. And in rural areas where people want to have good tools to rice, vegetables transported to the city from the countryside trafficking. Therefore, the “pit” come out, people flocked around hearing the news, the first products to be sold out. Honda Motor workers to work overtime as the “pit” of increasing production, initially to produce 300, then 500, 700, purchased a large number of micro-motors have been enough. Soichiro Honda finally decided to produce their own engines up. He sold his ancestral family property, financing. Through the efforts, and finally friends Kawashima production of A-type engine together. Although only micro 50cc engine, but it is a first engine Soichiro hand-made. This is the first “Honda motorcycle engine,” Honda is also a Type A motorcycle mass production begins. His success attracted people’s attention, many people are in imitation Honda-style “motor bike.”

to gain a firm foothold in the field of motorcycles, Soichiro Honda decided to produce motorcycles in the true sense. September 1948, he formally established the “Honda Technology Research Industry Corporation” and himself as president, from the prelude to the great development of Honda. Inventor never know satisfied, on the basis of the Model A, Soichiro again more powerful engine as the goal, we have developed a better performance of the B-type, C-type engines. C engines equipped with bike participated in the Tokyo Japan-US match, also won. Soichiro Xiang challenge his record, developed a type D – one kind of 98CC, 2.3 horsepower engine. He believes that the combination of challenges and improvements, will produce the immeasurable power. Too much power, And Soichiro and improve the body, and finally the trial out of a new car. “Sustenance to speed their ideals”, so test car was named the “ideal number.” This is a motorcycle from the bicycle to a qualitative leap. Technology is constantly advancing, but the management can not relax. Soichiro is a very intelligent person, he knows his specialty is engaged in technology, and the development of the company is also an urgent need to manage marketing personnel, so in 1949, management experts Fujisawa Takeo joined the cause Honda, the Honda’s market gradually expanded, and later he was It is known as the “technology of Soichiro Honda,” Honda’s number two.

July 15, 1951 was an extraordinary day, this day, the new “ideal” motorcycle hit the road, when technical experts Kawashima successful test, Soichiro, Fujisawa, River Island trio excitedly We hugged, regardless of sudden change in weather, it began to downpour, which is how many efforts in exchange for hard work ah! This is a landmark sign! Soon, Honda also introduced the “Ben Lee”, “Angel” and “good general” number. Size of the company is also expanding, continuously improve efficiency, initially with the prototype of large enterprises. In the same year, Japan’s Soichiro became the youngest (46 years old “Blue Ribbon Medal”. Everything is so smooth, almost Soichiro some smug, but test followed. In 1954, Soichiro making mistakes because, to borrow large sums of money to the bank , and changes in the market so that investment returns can not be achieved immediately, the company is heavily indebted, the production shortage of funds. At the same time, the “ideal” models of motorcycles and other quality problems caused by consumer complaints continued, with sales plummeting this time of Soichiro courage, he let Fujisawa preferential loans borrowed large sums that he put all of our energy on improving the “ideal” number, almost to the point of obsession, there are times when his dream suddenly came up with a new technical solution, quickly recorded before dawn to go to trial, the results actually really successful so he and Fujisawa are excited to tears afterwards, Soichiro frustrating:!! “people do not stimulate and pressure will not progress, the wisdom of the time was suffering difficulties is the most valuable! “is in support of this power, in spite of his peers contempt and scorn, Plus the world’s highest level of 1959 TT motorcycle race, defeat is not discouraged, constantly improving technology, and finally won the first six in the 1958 TT race, won the championship in the 1961 tournament, in 1966, it is created a miracle, monopolized the four-level group of the world’s prize, taking the raceThe top five, so far, he won the motorcycle from the traditional power Italy, Germany hands to the market, has laid a good reputation and status “Honda” family.

Moreover, the motorcycle can not make Soichiro satisfied, because the car is his ultimate goal. In 1961, he started to develop high-performance racing and is ready to compete at the highest level in the world auto industry F1 competition. Although not as cold was proposed as TT participate in the contest, but people still say: “Although the motorcycle-point performance, the car will be different, Honda will you?” The first competition, the result is very bad. Soichiro not discouraged, he analyzed the engine is not bad, but the lack of experience. He encouraged everyone said: “The back nine ninth defeat will be crowned at last fruitful results.” In 1965, Honda Racing hard work in the European season, finally won the championship. This victory means that Japan’s automobile manufacturing technology has entered the world advanced level. When Honda’s automotive business is growing, in December 1970, Japan announced the “Muskie”, that is to limit car emissions law. The legislation was first proposed by the American Muskie, the Japanese reference implementation, but its exhaust emissions regulations of the United States is one of very, very strict, for car manufacturers is undoubtedly a huge blow. Through “Muskie Law”, the key is to develop a qualified engine, the car manufacturer can continue to survive, the key in one fell swoop, but it is also a social responsibility. Soichiro visit the first line, directing research and development work. He collected and the young technical staff together information, literature, and finally in October 1972, after repeated trial, Soichiro successfully developed in line with regulations of the CVCC engine. Honda Motor Corporation successfully won the honor, spoke highly of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Association.

In 1973, Honda CVCC engine production company formally adopted “West than the old” car, the second year and launched the “Arco de” (Accord sedan, customer after another, overwhelmed. This invention genius won many award, in addition to many times by the Japanese government recognition awards, the Italian Prime Minister in 1971, won the industry award 1979 honorary doctorate from Harvard University in 1980 by the American Society of mechanical engineers Holly Award, becoming the US auto magnate Henry Ford .1936 after the second prize was awarded this person to receive this award.

so as the “JapanFord “, in 1989 the US city of Detroit” car palace “in recognition and so on, the list goes on. But the difference is that most Japanese entrepreneur, his business philosophy is advanced, 1973, just 66 years old Soichiro Honda selection retirement, later left the position of young people and this is not a successor to any of their relatives, just an ordinary technical experts, it alerted the world! because Soichiro that business is social, rather than individual ownership !! how open-minded the idea of ​​selfless Soichiro Honda said: “life is like to fly a plane. Technically there is no, so long as the helm, take off is not difficult. What matters is landing, if manipulation fails, then down the drain. “” I hope, in the last paragraph of life, when to land, and can smoothly landing. If you can praise the name of the driver, that’s fine. “Indeed, Soichiro Honda is a” pilots. “How many times difficult setbacks, he spent peace in times of emergency, and his post-war Japan, traveled together for economic growth and brilliant, at last, to leave people under a legend, leave with a smile, another way to complete his life!

5, repeated Lixin Gong

Soichiro Honda just Hamamatsu Junior College (school name) graduated Kawashima preferences screen name to visit Soichiro, on the tatami, two young ambition consistent lively discussion of their dreams. after the remarks, Soichiro River Island was deeply moved by pride, he immediately joined Honda Motor the, the two began to design engines.

for Soichiro start-up stage, any a small part will affect the success or failure, he decided the most drastic change to the ancestral family property to sell, eventually, they create an a-shaped engine Although this is only a 50 ml micro-motors, but it is a first engine Soichiro hand-made, that is open Soichiro Open the door to success of a key.

A-shaped advent of the engine, so that “it da, da bar” surge in production, equipped with A-shaped engine of the car is very popular. Soichiro not satisfied with this, continuing to develop a better performance of the B-type, C-engine. then, he developed a D-type engine a displacement of 98 ml, 1.7 kilowattsEngine power, power is twice as big as A-shaped. If it is also mounted on the bike, power is clearly too big. Thus, Soichiro designed to start the engine commensurate with such a frame.

in August 1949, the first motorcycle trial work is completed. We call it the “ideal number”, this is a motorcycle from a bicycle to a qualitative leap, all hopes are pinned Honda Motor Company in the “ideal number.”

At this time, Soichiro Honda in the introductions of others, know another has a significant impact on his career helper, he called no Takeo Fujisawa. This man always with a smiling face, strong insight, like to make friends.

in March 1950, the company opened a dealership in Tokyo, the first step toward the country. The new product “ideal number” also entered Tokyo, but people’s appraisal of him is not very good. Mainly because the body is too heavy, to solve this problem only developed a more powerful engine.

and Soichiro Kawashima preferences common analysis structure of the engine, it found that changing the intake and exhaust valves of the engine, the problem is solved. They put into the design of the control of the intake and exhaust valves of the combustion chamber at the top of the camshaft, it will be more desirable than the original side-mounted camshaft. Experimental results show that they are right, overhead camshaft effectively improve the engine power. In fact, this engine is overhead camshaft (OHV) engine. Until now, most of the world have followed the four-stroke engine overhead camshaft design, say that this is a major undertaking.

Such an engine, a four-stroke displacement of 146 ml, four kilowatts maximum power, is named “E-engine.” It is the company has brought new hope.

Two months later, the epoch-making “ideal E-shaped” test the motorcycle began.

Soichiro did not loose the air, he set out to develop micro-motors on the bike, and soon launched the “good general.” Only 50 ml car engine, but the power than the A-more than doubled. “Good general” design aesthetic appearance, fast, welcomed by customers. Then, Soichiro has developed a high-performance motorcycle “Ben Lee” and the world’s first use of synthetic resin body “angel.” At this point, there are four types of Honda motorcycle market, Honda Motor Co. began a rapid development in the field of motorcycles.

6, claims to possess supernatural

Soichiro Honda In 1954, Japan affected by the severe economic crisis, the overall socio-economic development pace slowed, Honda Motor Corporation is also in trouble, at this time, people heard a shocking news, “Soichiro Honda TT to participate in the contest,” everyone thought it was a stupid idea breaks against.

TT contest was the top international super-class motorcycle race, status equivalent to the current MotoGP race. TT can win in the competition, motorcycle manufacturers is the highest honor. But Soichiro finds things never change, he wants to gamble. TT Contest for him, not honor, but business opportunities, TT only participate in the contest and achieved excellent results, will it be possible to win the global motorcycle market from Italian, German hands be possible to achieve their pursuit, which he eventually the goal of.

In order to prepare Soichiro preparation of the game, decided to go to field trips, visit to Europe. He came to Britain, Italy, Germany and other European motorcycle industry developed countries, Soichiro immediately feel the harsh reality, Honda Motor Corporation and technology gap is too big compared to Europe and America. European and American manufacturers have accumulated nearly half a century of first-class technology, to create a motorcycle is the crystallization of technology. In contrast Honda Motor technology accumulation can be described as stretched, pitiful.

Soichiro of disparity between each other was stunned, but the gap did not knock him out, but inspired him to fight.

During the European tour, Soichiro secretly buy a lot of car parts, for returning research purposes. After returning home, Soichiro immediately with researchers, improve research institutions, and develop a comprehensive and detailed research plan, from materials to craft works are allowed.

In 1958, the combination of a lot of effort in the first one (125 ml, cylinder) car finally born.

In 1959, the TT for the first time to participate in the contest, sixth in the 125 ml level achieved in 1961 won the championship.

Soichiro Honda finally LiI want to become a reality. Honda victories in international motorcycle races also means that the technical level of Honda Motor Corporation has been rapidly increasing, won a reputation in the world.

7, hype

Soichiro Honda

Soichiro Honda business from the beginning has been concerned about trends in overseas development, he determined to make the company into a worldwide Honda company, so be prepared founder of Honda Motor Corporation’s overseas subsidiaries.

In 1959, before the TT for the first time to participate in the contest, American Honda Motor company was founded.

At the time, the United States is a developed country motorcycle technical level, although production and sales volume is not large, but Harley-Davidson motorcycle technical level is very high, world-famous.

Soichiro American people believe that only change the traditional concept of the motorcycle, the motorcycle freed from the hands of fans, become a common transportation, entertainment tools even women can drive, to open their market.

First of all, he did not give the commission the right to sell motorcycle sales experience in the sporting goods store, the car sold as a recreational tool. Then, Soichiro take a strong campaign, further changes in US public awareness of the motorcycle. He wisely chose the media best suits their own ideas – the best-selling American magazine “Life” published a substantial advertising on it, launched a massive propaganda campaign. Honda’s corporate image as the intensive propaganda gradually penetrated all levels of society to the United States, sales of Honda motorcycles rapid growth. This is a recognition to the accreditation process. Founder Soichiro Honda also another example of successful marketing performance.

8, motorcycle king

Honda motorcycle With this successful experience, since then Honda Motor constantly expanding overseas, and gradually built a worldwide the multinational company.

To be fair, the leading vehicle manufacturersDomain, Honda’s size is not large, but it has strong vitality. Let the industry a commendable fact is that Honda’s product launch a success on a. Honda in 29 countries a total of 139 production bases. So much production base, product range is not much, but no one dares to belittle big company Honda. Soichiro 10-year struggle to get the story of the motorcycle market dominance and become a legend, in special recognition of outstanding contributions to the US auto industry have auto Hall of Fame, the only Soichiro Honda was invited to the palace, and the United States tied for the auto magnate Ford among them, now, as long as the Honda place to spread the story of Soichiro Honda and motorcycles.

9, in recognition of record

In 1971 Prime Minister of Italy won the industry award.

In 1979 an honorary doctorate from Harvard University.

in 1980 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Holly Award, becoming the second after the US auto magnate Henry Ford received this award in person to receive this award, known as “Japan’s Ford.”

in 1989 was the US city of Detroit “car palace” recognition.

10, personal evaluation

Soichiro Honda

gentleman (Soichiro Honda) made my admiration body cast. He never consider trading gains and losses, blindly innovation and invention, even if you say it can slow a slow, he just said, “I know, know,” his invention but do not stop creating.
– Japanese entrepreneurs Ishida back three

He (Soichiro Honda) was not considered “impossible” in the name of anything. In order to overcome the difficulties of his lack of supplies during the war, he was in a corner of their own factory-made cement and lime. What is more, it is said he made yourself a glass plate. Leaving aside the advantages and disadvantages of that approach, is it not impossible challenge to a variety of factors, the impossible possibleAn excellent example?
– Japanese entrepreneur Kerry Kawakami City

After the war, the Japanese operator, it is necessary to create a number of real wealth to the people, only Sony’s depth Honda Motor Co., Japan’s Soichiro Honda up. None of the other individuals to create, but the whole organization to create.
– Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry president of Goto liters

Honda Soichiro since Henry Ford is the world’s most talented and most successful mechanical engineering entrepreneurs.
– the greatest salesman in the world, American car salesman George Gilder

Honda’s sophisticated design, almost like a gem watch, so that every I talked with engineers surprised.
– the British “Sunday Times”

while trying to dismantling Honda machinery, frankly, because of its structure is so perfect, so we feel fear. That is simply doing the same mechanical watches with precision, and no traces of imitation, is a great idea and based on original machinery.
– the British “Daily Mirror”

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